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undefined Des Plaines Elks 1526 Chatter

495 Lee Street
Des Plaines, Illinois

This Chatter is just an extra site to keep you informed of whats happening daily at your Lodge and Club. See details at the end. Meet our Club Manager, Randy Menzies

Randy has been here for many years. He has done a tremendous job of making our Lodge and
Club into the "Country Club" of the North District.
Our Lodge and Club ranks very high in all of the USA as one of the BEST!!!
>>Stop in, book a party, wedding, any affair you might be having and Randy will be at your service.

Winter time in Chicago. We all know about it so what's the big deal, put on your jackets, jump into the car and com'on over to the Club. We have food and drinks and LOTS OF YOUR FRIENDS!
>>>So, let's go have some fun!!!


What you you like to see on this site? (Other than what is on it aready)
1. News of coming events?
2. More Photos? (That YOU would submit?)
3. A message board? (Post a message to a Brother Elk or out of towners?)
4. Links to unusual places? (Web cams, etc.)
5. Sick List?? Some one has to tell me this.
6. Or You make the call, email this site with your suggestions. Hit reply, make your suggestions and SEND!
.....I will post the results, if I get any!

Winter design by Jane who put an Elk in for us. Thanks Jane!


Design by Jane


Yes, we had a nice group of players who enjoyed 3 hours of Bingo and Pulltabs. They were also treated to FREE Chili and Hotdogs. As well as Popcorn.

Boyan Encheff is our Bingo Chairman. He took over this year and so far has done a wonderful job. He has been very active in the Lodge and Club for many years. And I think most of you know him!!!
He is a PER, PPDGER and has more titles than I can name.

This is the regular Pull Tab group. From the left, Carl W., Mac M., Glen P. (standing), Gordie F. and Wilbur S.
We also have Rich H., Frank H., Jerry S. and others. We'll catch up with them later.

The Ramp is here and ready for you.

It's in the hallway leading to the dining room.
If you have the need for it please use it. The Dining room is beautiful. Come and enjoy.

Holiday Fun at your Elks. Jack and Bo entertained the lunch crowd on Dec. 16th with Christmas Carols and more. Lots of people joined in the singing. Karaoke style, see the TV?
Oh What Fun We a one horse open....

Karaokee singer Alice with friend Don.
She did a real good bit of singing-a-long on Sat. Dec. 20 with Don.
Alice's hubby was just watching, didn't get his name, sorry.

Door Greeters

Saturday December 20, 2003 was Joannie, someone we all know if we are here on Saturdays.
She was our first lady to become an Elk.
Thanks Joannie, you have been a inspiration for many of our ladies! Keep up the good work.

Our Flag, the Symbol of our Order

Hope the flag isn't missing. Sometimes it is. BUT IT ALWAYS COMES BACK!

Dottie, our hostess. If you have dined in the dining room I am sure that you know her. She has been with us for a few years now can always seat your group quickly and effeciently. She always has a smile for you too!

Lois is also a hostess. She will be there for you too, always, when Dottie is not here. Come in and enjoy!!!

Need a gift for someone??

Think about giving an Elks Gift Certificate. You can get them in any amounts. It makes it easier for you and it helps our Club.

Guess what Mitzi is doing. Making out Gift Certificates!
They do make good gifts for your friends here. Keep 'em mind for the Holidays.

Attendance Drawing (Members Only) Every Saturday Night....

Saturday night Jan. 3, Boyan is drawing out the winner. And who might it be?? See who as you scroll.

Every Saturday nite at 5:30 someone wins. Sign the "book" (Members Only) during the week and come in Sat. nite and WIN SOME & SPEND SOME!!

John H. was the winner!!! Don V. is handing him the $$$$. A big pot cuz there was not a drawing last Saturday because of the Holidays.
John is here most every Sat. nite with his lovely wife Lorraine.
Come in and you can win too!!!!


If you reply to this website your name and email address will be kept on file. Any updates that appear here can be fowarded to you as they are made. At your request.
BUT you will always be able to LOG ON and get the latest happenings and activities.
This site is constantly being updated.
I get photos of affairs I attend. Or from materials that are submitted to me by YOU!!
SO, send me something!!

Our bartenders are always ready to serve you. There is Denise during the day. (Kit sometimes also). Angelo at night. Sandra and Mary help out when needed. Always a fun bunch at the bar.

Angelo is our night bartender. Come in and enjoy one of these or whatever your pleasure might be.
And then enjoy your dinner in our elegant dining room.

Here's Kit, our sometimes, as needed, bartender. Look for her on Saturdays during the day. Say Hello, buy a drink and sign the attendance book!


Do you have a photo that you'd like to have displayed here? Leave it for me at the Club with a note about it.... or email it to me and then see what happens!!
>>Even if you live in Florida, or AZ, or where ever you are in the USA.

Dancing in the lounge on Friday and Saturday nites. Also, look for Karaoke times with Bo and Jack. Join the Fun

Note: If the guest book doesn't load right away, do it again, then it will work.

View my Guestbook | Sign my Guestbook

This is a website devoted to Des Plaines Elks 1526 for general information, news and chatter about what's HAPPENING at our Lodge and Club. It is not intended to replace our news letter, the Elks Tooth or any website.
>>> It will be updated constantly. Sometimes daily, weekly or whenever.
>>>And at NO COST to the Lodge.
> My intention is to show those, who can tune this in, what is going on at our Great Lodge and Club with pictures and comments by me, the site manager, Carl Weldon.

>> Any comments concerning this site may be directed to

>>All OTHER Emails, please send to


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