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Catriona's Dissertation Research into Scottish Genealogy

Hello and thank you for visiting my research site. My name is Catriona Copley and I am currently carrying out my dissertation research into why and how people do genealogy. The dissertation forms part of my Geography degree at the University of Cambridge, UK.

I am studying the reasons why people are interested in their Scottish family history, how research methods are changing with the use of the Internet, and what genealogical research means for people's sense of identity and belonging.

Since I posted on several relevant genealogy message boards I have received over 60 responses to my online questions. These have given me an insight into the world of genealogy and the intereting relationship with places in Scotland that genealogical research can bring about.

Thank you to those who have helped me with my research. I have emailed as many people as possible with some of my initial thoughts about the general themes which came up. I have now stopped asking for full responses because I will simply not have enough time to read and take in what people are saying. There are just too many essays to be written, dissertation write-up work and rowing to be done during term time I'm afraid!

If anyone would like to get in contact, my email is(

Thank you for visiting my site and best of luck with your searching.

More information:

A thank you and some initial thoughts
My original request (on my old home page)
Why have I chosen to do a dissertation into Genealogy?
The dissertation as part of my Geography course
Studying at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
Simple List of my Questions

Dornie village, Ross and Cromarty

Last updated 3 Jan 2003