Over the past several weeks, WWF.com has approached the 42 superstars and asked them to cast their vote in 10 specific categories. Obviously, fans all have their favorites. But how do the superstars feel? Which town in their favorite to perform in? Who has the best sense of humor backstage? WWF.com intended to find out. Because we wanted them to be completely honest, voting was anonymous.
The number of votes each winner and runner-up received is in parentheses.
Which town is your favorite to perform in?
Which of your superstar peers has the best sense of humor?
Who has the best entrance?
Who is most likely to leave you black and blue -- battered and bruised -- the next morning?
Which of your peers do you enjoy watching the most?
Who is the life of the party?
Who is the most intelligent?
Who is the most gullible?
Who is most likely to have his or her own talk show in the future?
Yeah, we don't have any of that stuff at WWF.com. We don't have "Slammy Awards," and Vince McMahon signing and dancing. But we've got plenty of spiral-bound notebooks and ballpoint pens, and we've got access to the World Wrestling Federation Superstars.
Many superstars voted for their hometown. Otherwise, Madison Square Garden would have been the even more lopsided favorite.
And the winner is: New York City/Madison Square Garden (13)
"Every time I walk into it, I get goose bumps," one superstar said. "If the fans at MSG support you, you know you're home free anywhere. If they don't support you, they'll let you know."
"The history of the building - and feeling like you're part of it - is awe-inspiring," another superstar said. "Fans are phenomenal.
Even though there are a lot of people in there, you kind of feel like you're with your people - like you're with your family."
First runner-up: Chicago (5)
"They have an energy," said a superstar. "Chicago -- the town itself -- has a reputation for being a little wild. It comes across when we're in the ring."
Others receiving multiple votes: Los Angeles; Austin, Texas; Anaheim, Calif.; Providence, R.I.; Atlanta; Dallas; San Diego, Calif.; Toronto; Fayetteville, N.C.
Which town has the best catering?
For television events, the superstars are required to be at the arena in the early afternoon. So it's only fair that the Federation offers them food. In most buildings, the menu is remarkably similar: grilled chicken, potatoes (baked or mashed, occasionally scalloped), salad, and a few different desserts. But when it comes to backstage catering, Milwaukee is in a league of its own.
And the winner is: Milwaukee (25)
"It's like you have to bring a gift," one superstar said. "It's like a wedding. You've got to wear a tux."
"It's five-star," another superstar said. "There's a huge variety of food. The people make you feel like they're happy you're there. They make me feel important."
Others receiving multiple votes: Madison Square Garden, Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, Calif.
The voting in this category was among the closest.
Many superstars pondered for several moments before they finally voted. "There's a lot of funny SOBs around here," said one superstar. Another added, "It's so hard to choose because there's a lot of them. Hell, there's so many of them." But in the end, there had to be one winner.
And the winner is: Dean Malenko (10)
"You wouldn't expect it from him," said a superstar. "No matter what you say, he has a one-liner."
First runner-up: Stone Cold Steve Austin (8)
"He can dish it out and he can take it," one superstar said. "I can go up to him with something goofy and he'll play off it."
Others receiving multiple votes: Al Snow, Bradshaw, Steve Blackman, Mick Foley, William Regal
Another category in which the superstars had to think long and hard before voting.
"I don't know," said one superstar. "There are a lot of good ones."
And the winner is: Chris Jericho (16)
"I love the spirally thing," one superstar said. "He's got the first one that looks like a TV series. It has images that help create a back story -- like a trailer to a movie -- that gives you images of what that person will be like."
"It's like a big rock video," said another superstar.
First runners-up: Triple H (8)
"Without a doubt," another superstar said. "When he walks through the curtain, he's all business. He's ready to kick somebody's ass. That's why he's the Game.
Others receiving multiple votes: Undertaker, Tazz, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kane, The Rock
And the winner is: APA (10)
"They're just rough and tough," one superstar said. "They take their job very seriously. Bradshaw's is like the only clothesline that people in the back jump around and hoot and holler."
First runner-up: Bob "Hardcore" Holly (8)
"He knows how to bring it," one superstar said. "He leans his s*** in. That's the way he likes it and that's the way he likes to take it."
Others receiving multiple votes: Jeff Hardy, Jacqueline, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shane McMahon
And the winner is: Triple H (10)
"He knows better than anybody what to do, no matter who he's in the ring with," one superstar said. "Because everybody's different. He knows how to bring the best out of everybody."
"He's an incredible performer," another superstar said. "I'm into people who make this look as believable as possible."
"Everything he does has a purpose," another superstar said. "He looks so crisp and in control."
First runner-up: The Rock (8)
"He's a conductor of human emotion in the ring. He has the people -- just with an eyebrow or a hand gesture -- in the palm of his hand. He's definitely the total package. I'm a big fan of his. No doubt about it.
Others receiving multiple votes: Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Stone Cold Steve Austin
And the winner is: APA (10)
"They're good at making everybody laugh," said one superstar.
"They're loud and boisterous," said another.
First runner up: Ivory (4)
"Even a dead party, she just won't let it be dead," one superstar said
Others receiving multiple votes: Stone Cold Steve Austin, referee Teddy Long
Several superstars immediately answered Vince McMahon, but upon further review by WWF.com, anyone in the vicinity of being a billionaire was disqualified. So this was yet another category which made the voters ponder for several moments, as there are indeed many superstars who are downright cerebral.
And the winner is: Triple H (7)
"He's quick," one superstar said. "He's funny. He's got a good mind for the business, and a good mind for life itself."
First runner-up: Bradshaw (5)
"He's wise with his numbers, and evidently he's going to teach all of us how to be smart about the stock market with his book," one superstar said. "He's gonna run for office someday. He's very passionate."
Others receiving multiple votes: Raven, Kane, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, The Rock, Albert, Spike Dudley
After asking several superstars for their votes, WWF.com considered dropping this category, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings.
However, after talking to both of the front-runners, we opted to keep it in; they were both good sports about it.
And the winner is: Kurt Angle (9)
"He is so gullible," one superstar said. "I can't even remember all the stuff we did to him."
"Sometimes I think he's just half-working us," another superstar said. "Like he's not biting as hard as we think he is."
"He's the most gullible person," said another superstar. "That's his gimmick. He'll just go with it."
First runner-up: the Big Show (8)
"He's such a nice guy that he believes everything that everybody tells him," said one superstar.
And the winner is: Al Snow (7)
"He just looks the part," one superstar said. "He's doing a good job on HEAT. He's a very funny guy too."
First runners-up: (tie) Chris Jericho, Ivory and Bradshaw (3)
Others receiving multiple votes: Mick Foley, Debra, The Rock, Tazz