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Hey, I hate eFront!
7.11.2000: FX - Clan Hell: "Clan GoD"


1. Page takes over three hours to load thanks to a shitload of large, unnecessary graphics that are supposed to show off the clan leader's "l33t Photoshop skillz".
3. Website is overly violent or full of hate, revealing some morbid fascination with guns and killing.
5. Clan members have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality.
7. Page layout / color scheme burns your retinas and causes brain damage
8. Website looks as if it were written by Jeff K.
10. Site is a tribute to embedded MIDI / sound files.

Samples From Website:

"We are communist pigs and should die"

"Clan GoD is da best we be trippin an playa hatin'"


Description: The GoD Clan is a group that not only scares me due to their strong beliefs that they are indeed doing the world a service by playing Rogue Spear, but also have the ability to make the usual Clan Hell pages look like they've been painstakingly crafted by the good people at Colour Me Classy.

There's something odd about people who design these types of clan pages, something that causes them to feel that they are indeed creating a site of graphical quality by simply copying the logo of their game of choice and remaking it to fit their clan. It is not hard to see that the mighty GoD Clan utilized Geocities' "easy design" feature, as the page is laid out in much the same way that a braindead five year-old child would. Although the page is designed in order to cause as much mental and physical distress on the viewer as possible, the real proof of a clan page is in the content, and this is where the GoD Clan excels.

It appears as though the clan members feel they are doing us all a favour by playing, and quite possibly winning, Rogue Spear and Counterstrike. The only favour they would be doing us is if they all sat around in a circle and one by one placed heavy duty vacuum bags over their heads. Here's a large chunk of text that should confirm your beliefs that The GoD Clan is one "not to be messed with".

"Welcome to Clan GoD's website. We here at GoD like to play CS and Rogue Spear a lot. We are an almighty and evil clan and we like to boot defenseless players like ghost_devil_zillah from our server because we're stupid and we eat crap, so you're fucking annoying us and don't join our clan and DON'T MESS WITH US BECAUSE WE ARE COOL AND YOU CAN GO TO HELL!!!! DON'T TALK TO US ANYMORE WE WILL KILL YOU AND EAT YOUR BABIES CAUSE WE THINK TACOS ARE GOOD AND WE LIKE GOATSE.CX!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A RETARD,GoD GoD GoD GoD!!!!!!!!"

I don't get it. Are they saying they want me to join their servers and play CS with them?

Now, if you're still able to breathe, could you please help me understand some of these genius-like ramblings? Everything starts out real nice like, at this point it appears the members of the clan would be people you'd take home to meet your family. Then things turn ugly and I realized that indeed this was some nasty mofo that I was dealing with. Anyone who can say "GoD" that many times obviously is big, strong, and has the ability to kick the crap out of whoever they please. The fact that I am a "retard!" means I can no longer go on with this review. All I can say is that you shouldn't visit their site because you're fucking annoying them and you need to get a life, so don't visit... please.

PS: They have a ranking system that is much like clan AwC's so they must have ripped them off... what losers!

Link for you to join?: Yes, but please don't for the love of GoD! back to HOME