Thank you for visiting our modest web page. You might ask, "What does the Darien VFW do?" We hope this will help to answer your question.
Our members come from all walks of life, just as they did when they answered the call to serve our country on foreign shores. Our members gave of themselves then, and still give of themselves now. They are active members of their churches and civic organizations, they support the youth of Darien, and they show concern for those in need. The VFW in Darien is the personification of this kind of citizen, and it shows in our commitment to our neighbors. The Darien VFW has been an active participant in the community life of Darien and the State of Connecticut since 1946. There is more to us than our historic building - much more.
In any given year, members make hospital visits to the VA Medical Center in West Haven and the State Veterans’ Home & Hospital in Rocky Hill. We have delivered various holiday greetings from the many schools and preschools in Darien.
We sponsor a Little League team and Cub Scout Pack 55, once the largest Cub Scout Pack in Connecticut. We have hosted training sessions for professionals and unions, health care provider workshops, provided meeting space for many civic groups and political parties, and we are home to the Emerald Dancers Cultural Programs.
Our Commander's Food Drive donates hundreds of dollars' worth of food to the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County. Just bring us your non-perishable food items and we’ll make sure they get it. We are in the process of establishing a food pantry for veterans’ families.
We are host to the State of Connecticut’s Soldiers, Sailors & Marines Fund, where veterans can apply for emergency assistance from that fund. We also provide space for the National Veterans Services Fund’s Vet Van, which provides hands-on assistance on wheels for veterans and their families around the State.
We support our active duty families, too. Since Desert Storm, we have been a focal point for families of active duty service personnel who are stationed overseas or about to be deployed in the defense of Democracy in foreign lands. We have hosted support groups, and have sent packages overseas. Any family member just needs to call us, and we'll be there for them—after all, we’ve “been there; done that; and know it’s better with support from home.”
We assist veterans and widows of veterans with medical and/or VA benefit problems. We provide color guard and ritual team for memorial services for our departed members, but only at the request of the family.
We support our schools. Members participate in the Darien High School’s many history programs, sharing their experiences in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq.
We host the Town of Darien's annual Flag Day ceremonies, retiring used flags and re-pledging our allegiance to the flag on June 14th.
You can find us on Veterans Day, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th in the Town of Darien Veterans Memorial Circle at Town Hall, where we lead the Town's observance.
Every December since 2006, we have hosted the Wreaths Across America convoy as they make their way from Maine to the National Cemetery in Arlington with tens of thousands of donated wreaths to mark the graves of our fallen comrades. We then participate in the simultaneous wreath placement ceremony on the following Saturday at the Veterans Cemetery on Hecker Avenue.
And, yes, we march in the Memorial Day Parade every year. Our members take an active role in the planning and execution of Memorial Day ceremonies in Darien, providing color guards, marching unit, most of the Grand Marshals since 1939, and many of the speakers.
And, yes, if you’ve been looking for the kind of neighborhood bar with a friendly atmosphere, where everyone knows your name, our canteen (bar) is open 7 days a week from 2pm. Come sit and share a beverage and a snack and a memory or two. Guests are ALWAYS welcome - just remember to sign our Guest Book when you arrive.
We welcome contributions, too. You can rest assured that any donation will find its way back into the community very quickly.
There is an eligibility chart on the National VFW Home Page . If you think you may be eligible, please come on down! We have applications on hand. All you need to show us is proof of eligibility on your Honorable Discharge (DD214), and we'll help you fill out the application.