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Destiny Fighters

*|DF|* Destiny Fighters Counter-Strike Clan's Unofficial Web Site
*|DF|*'s Official Server IP Adress is

Official Admins

*|DF|* War |RA|
*|DF|* ---Lube---|RA|

|RA| Squad

*|DF|* ---Lube---|RA|
*|DF|* War |RA|
*|DF|* Spectre |RA|

|MW| Squad

*|DF|* Splat |MW|
*|DF|* SimplyChoda |MW|
*|DF|* Image |MW|
*|DF|* Mecca |MW|
*|DF|* |)isorder|MW|
*|DF|* EBK |MW|

Honorary Members

*|DF|* $tunt

|T|In Training

*|DF|* Crazy Lazy Eyes |T|
*|DF|* SmakMy*****Up |T|
*|DF|* SuperNuts |T|

Waiting List for *|DF|*


News and Upcoming Events

*|DF|* Destony Fighter's server has been updated recently. We changed the map rotation and some of the maps need to be downloaded. Each map is played for a total of 35 minutes until they change to the next one.
  • war_map2k
  • de_dust
  • cs_assault_upc
  • de_storm
  • cs_havana
  • cs_deagle5
  • cs_backalley
  • de_dust2
  • scout_reflex2k
  • de_inferno
Download Custom Maps Here

Upcoming Clan Matches, Scrimmages and Practices

We highly recomend that anyone who wants to have a scrimmage with us that they have war_map. It is a equal map and eather teams have advantages or disadvantages. This map was made specificly for scrimmages so the loosing clan can not say that "The CT's are easier" or "The T's are easier and thats why you guys won".

Custom Sprays Are Being Made For *|DF|* Members

*|DF|* Crazy Lazy Eyes |T| is starting to make customs sprays for people in Destiny Fighter's. If you are interested in one than please e-mail *|DF|* Crazy Lazy Eyes |T| with a description of the spray you would like. If you have a picture that you would like on it please attach it to your e-mail.
Click Here To E-mail Him.
E-mail The Creator of This Site