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Dylan's Story

This is the story of my son Dylan.He was a beautiful, healthy 6 year old. Starting the first grade and doing really well.He loved to ride his bike and play outside. He had a new kitten and his dog was going to have puppies soon.Then one day the school called me and said Dylan had vomitted at school and would I come to pick him up.When I got him home all he wanted to do was sleep. In about two hours he got up and was outside riding his bike.He went back to school the next day.Everything was fine for about three days.On the third day the school called again.He had vomitted again.The same thing,he slept, got up and played.This went on for a week or two.I made an appointment with his doctor and I was told Dylan had the flu.He told me to keep him on clear liquids.I told him that was all he had,had for a week.He said to keep it going.Unfortunately it did not work.One week later we were back in his office.This time it was a different doctor.Our regular doctor was on vacation.This doctor told me the same thing.When I explained that we had already done these things, He told me it probably never went away and kept reaccurring.I took Dyaln home and kept him on the diet for another week. Then one day while he was at school,the office called me and said he had vomitted and became disorriented.I picked him up and rushed him to the hospital.I called my husband and told him to meet me there. When we got to the hospital,Dylan was tired,but talking.The doctor in the E.R. started to tell me the same scenerio,the flu.He left the room and a P.A.came in.He wanted to know Dylans history.I told him what had been happenning.He asked Dylan to stand,close his eyes,and touch his nose.He couldn't do it! The P.A. immediately ordered a CAT scan.This showed Dylan had a brain tumor.We had him transported to St.Vincent's Medical Center in Toledo,Oh.My sister worked there and I knew she'd know what to do. We arrived and they went to work right away.The neuro-surgeon ordered a M.R.I. The results would change our whole world! Dylan had Five tumors! This was devistating! With one at least he had a chance,but five! The doctor told us he wanted to remove the largest one as soon as he could get an operating room! The surgery was scheduled the next morning.

The next morning,we waited for them to take Dylan to surgery. We tried to explain to him that he had "bumps" in his head and the doctor was going to take them out. He wasn't scared,just tired. His dad asked him what he wanted to eat when he came back from surgery. Dylan said he wanted a cheese pizza and a Sprite. They came to get him and we were instructed to wait in the waiting room.So we waited and prayed.It was the longest 3 hours of our lives! We had most of our family members with us.Finally the doctor came out and told us to follow him to a conference room.There he told us the surgery had gone well.They were able to remove 95% of the tumor.He also told us his spinal fluid was full of "seed cells". When Dylan came back to recovery he was hooked up to lines and tubes. The nurses told us it would take several days,maybe weeks before we saw the old Dylan.What no one knew was it would be a lot longer than that! Over the next month,Dylan went through several more surgeries.One to put in an external shunt,then to internalize it. One for a feeding tube,because he couldn't eat.He was blind and mute.We were told it was a semi-comatose state.We were told by several doctors to stop treatment and let him go.That was our baby boy! We were not going to let him go.Dylan wasn't giving up why should we! They started chemo.Two weeks after they started it Dylan took a turn for the worst.His heart rate dropped to 60 and he may not make it.We ran along side Dylan as they rushed him to surgery.We told him we loved him and to be strong!We didn't know if he'd make it through the surgery.The doctor came out and told us he had to put in a shunt to circulate the spinal fluid.He also told us they were going to do another MRI.The results were devastating! The four tumors left had doubled in size and he had ten to twenty new metastasies up and down his spine!

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