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Epiphyllum 'Butterfly Love'

I received 1 cutting of Butterfly Love from the San Francisco Epiphyllum Society sale 8/3/00, sent to me by a SFES member. 

The first flower began opening on 3/26/03.  It was 5.5" across and lasted 3 days.  This year I had 3 more blooms, 4/29/, 4/30, and 5/2.

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Butterfly_Love_03_03_26_12.JPG (8220 bytes)Butterfly_Love_03_03_26_14.JPG (20744 bytes)Butterfly_Love_03_03_26_15.JPG (19390 bytes)

In 2004 this plant had 6 blooms between 4/13 and 4/23.
In 2005 it had 5 blooms

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