I received 3 cuttings of this plant in trade 10/7/99. It had its first blooms (2 flowers) 8/31/00! The recommendation is to remove flower buds from plants less than 3 years old so that the energy goes into vegetative growth rather than producing flowers. But I couldn't resist seeing the flowers. At least this time, it didn't harm the plant since it continued to look very healthy and produced 11 flowers in June 2001. And in April 2002 it had 20 blooms. Unlike with most Epiphyllums, the flower appears to partially open, then get progressively larger over a couple of weeks before finally opening. The flowers were 2.5".
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2003: Between 4/17 and 5/7 there were 25 blooms!
In 2004 there were 15 blooms.
2005: 16 blooms; a lot of spotting of stems after plooms..
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