attack | Mutalisk Attack
- Ultralisks are the ultimate infantry
unit. With their massive amounts of hit points and armor they can
take extreme amounts of damage making them great for taking out
- There are two ways to attack with
Ultralisks: from the front, or from inside the base.
- The first is easiest to do alone. It
requires you to hold out for some time but the payoff can be worth
it. First scout out what type of defense you are going against. This
can be done with scourges because they are so cheap.
- If it is Terran or Protoss, you
might want to incorporate defilers by having them plague it. This
will make it much easier to take out. Even if it looks thick, fully
upgraded ultras should be able to break through it without to much
difficulty. You may also want some scourges and guardians for extra
help especially if they have reavers or tanks.
- The second is easier to do with a
partner but can be done alone. There are several ways to get the
ultras past the defenses and into the heart of the enemy base:
overlords, nydus canal, and arbiter recall (with a partner).
- The overlord rout is hard seeing
that if the opponent sees them and has air units they may be
destroyed with two ultras still inside them. Make sure you have your
overlords fully upgraded before attempting this. Try to sneak into
the back of their town near the peon line, farthest away from their
- Then when all the overlords are in
position drop the ultras at once. Hopefully the enemy will not have
noticed and will be taken aback. Once the drop is completed get the
overlords out of the area and let the ultras tear through their
- The nydus canal can only be done
when fighting a Zerg opponent. It requires scouting beforehand so
you can see where the canal will be built. Try to locate it as far
away from the defenses as possible. A good spot would be near the
peon line or somewhere the opponent would not check frequently.
- Once it is placed start sending the
ultras. By the time the opponent realized what is going on it should
be to late. The nydus canal can also be used with other ground
forces such as masses of hydras and lurkers.
- To use the arbiter recall one needs
to be playing with a Protoss partner. Try to group as many ultras
into a pack as possible. You should also try to put scourges or
muties in above the ultras to provide some air cover.
- Sneak the arbiter into their town
and quickly recall the units. Also, once the units are in the town
they will stay cloaked as long as the arbiter stays in their
vicinity. This provides a great advantage letting you lay the hurt
out even more.
- The Mutalisk rush (mutie rush) can
decimate an enemy if done swiftly enough.
- Start off with getting a spawning
pool and sending out a drone to scout for the enemy. Also, get
another hatchery, preferably at an expansion point, but in your
first base can work as well.
- Upgrade to lair and immediately get
a spire. Make sure all the vespayne geysers are being mined and
start putting out the muties. Get about 12 before assaulting.
- Try attacking the peon (scv, drone,
probe) line first. Knocking out the opponents monetary production is
a key to winning. If they have ground to ground units continue to
attack, if not size the force up and if it is to great to be
overcome retreat.
- While you have been doing this you
need to have been building a queens nest, second spire(to help
upgrade air units faster) then hive and also more Mutalisks.
- As soon as the hive is gone upgrade
the spire to greater spire and depending at what they are attacking
you with make either guardians or devourers. If you can get enough
of either of these you should be able to slowly push bask their
defenses and achieve victory.