Something has gone terribly wrong....

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After terror in Japan GTE Heads to the United States.

Tokyo, Japan (AP)- July 4th 2003, Inpedpendence Day. News has come in that has rocked the music industry. It has been reported that Carson Daily is a homosexual and his name is fake. But in a somewhat more important event, The Gyrating Tuskeegee Experiment, or GTE, has touched down in the United States after a sucessful tour (raping, maming, and pillaging) of the Middle East and Japan. Donny Camaro has issued a statement informing all the fans that some members of the band were killed by Mothra after staring a riot in downtown Tokyo. "No one seemed to care." he said, "It was a minor delay. But we're ready to rock the USA like Huey Lewis and The news."

Horrible Mishap at Oxford Threatens the Musical World.

Oxford, England (AP)- Thursday, May 9th 2002 will be a day of infamy at Oxford University. A Lab experiment has taken a turn for the worse. Professors and students from the prestigious University's Music and Biological Technology Research departments were in the process of an experiment to genetically engineer the greatest band on earth. The experiment was known as the Code: Gyrating Tuskeegee Experiment. The collective research unit had been working day and night for months in the university's basement and they had hopes of finishing the experiment sometime this week. But today, as the chemical "GTX" was added into the 5 unnamed subject's bloodstreams, something went terribly wrong. There was a massive expolsion. At 10:35AM the school was evacuated and fire department and the DEP arrived to clean up the chemicals. When they managed to get to the basement, they found the 3 top genetic scientists had been burned to death, and the 5 test subjects were missing. In related news, there was a robbery of a local music shop. Witnesses claim that 5 masked men robbed the store. One man stole all the triangles. As they left, one shouted something about taking over the musical world.... one can only pray these 5 genetic freaks are taken out. GTX has arrived.....