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  the world thru wild eyes


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Welcome to the mind of the Mad Gypsy

This is a new website, made by me>>>the n00b.  You all are guests here so make yourself at home and see if anything perks your interest.  I'll throw in almost anything that sparks my interest and any cool information I find is yours as well.  Enjoy what I've thrown on here, since I've never made a web site before, or anything resembling a website I lack a certain skill in organizing anything, haha.

This is all just a work in progress keep in mind.

Favorite Links

Weather...yup...still exists...

bulletSearch Lycos
bulletFor Homestar or for Strongbad
bulletAnimations and games
bulletCrude humor
bulletArtistic vision
bullet My Blog

If you have any cool sites I could throw up here, let me know, I'll have a nice little list goin eventually.


Somewhere in the world - Sunny

High: 163 , Low: 42 degrees

The Gallery

Communities & Forums (still constructing)

These are photos that have somehow come across my path.  If you have something you would like me to put in here email it to me.




bulletMSN People & Chat
bulletYahoo Chat

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This site was last updated 06/14/04