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I Believe

I believe in miracles
And dreams that will come true,
And I believe in happiness
And friendship, through and through
I believe that when you cry
Your tears are not in vain,
And when you're sad and lonely,
Someone knows that you're in pain.

I believe that when we laugh
A sparkle starts to shine,
And before you know
These sparks will spread
From more hearts than just mine.
I believe the gifts you have
Are there for you to share,
And when you give them from the heart,
The whole world knows you care.

I believe that if you give,
Even just to one,
That gift will grow in magnitude
Before the day is done.
I believe that comfort comes
From giving part of me,
And if I share with others,
There's more for all to see.

I believe that love is still
The greatest gift of all,
And when it's given from the heart,
Love will conquer all.
J. Miessau 1997
All rights pertacted

May You always be covered with God's pure love!

Thank you for visiting with me!
With Love Straight from my Heart


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