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Blessings In Disguise

Challenges Are Blessings in Disguise
God sometimes sends us
challenges as blessings in disguise,
To make us stop and think along the way.
To make us search our hearts and souls,
And take time to discover a little
more about ourselves each day.

To lovingly remind us
just reach for Him in prayer,
For any answers that we long to know.
God sometimes sends us challenges
as blessing in disguise,
To guide us and inspire us as we grow.

May God who watches over us
and bless us each day,
help you find the strength to meet
what life may send your way.
May He guide your footsteps
and hear your every prayer,
And in the days to follow
keep you always in His care.

Author Unknown

May God Bless You!

Thank you for visiting with me!
With Love Straight From My Heart
