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Little Chat

Little Chat
Welcome to my kitchen
Where it smells like ginger bread.
A little coffee brewing
where so many I have fed...

I love it when my friends come by
much catching up to do.
I'll cook up something special.
It will be just for you...

With fast food places everyway.
That's just not for me.
working in my little kitchen
is where I want to be...

So come on by anytime.
Plenty for one more.
Just walk in you are welcome
there's no knocking at my door...

Join me for a little chat!!!
Because it's a good life...
By Ginny Bryant
at Journey of Love...
Copyright, used with permission
To read more of Ginny's poems
click here

Thank you for visiting me!
With Love straight from my heart

May God Bless You!



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