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There's no time like the fall

There's No Time Like The Fall
When the Leaves on trees
that were so pretty and green
Are now changing to red,
yellow, orange and brown
Busy squirrels are filling
their tree nests with nuts
for the cold winter ahead.

The Colorful leaves are
beginning to fall to the ground.
In the sky we can see flocks
of Robins flying south.
Beautiful Fall has arrived
with it's colorful sights.
The summer's heat
is gone for another year.
Soon it will be time
to light a fire
for the nights will be chilly.

Fall is the time of year
children go picking pumpkins.
Soon Halloween goblins
will knock on your door.
Some will be lanky and tall,
others will be small.
We will have bags of candy
and other treats ready
As we happily await to hear
that trick or treat call.
there's no time like the Fall.
Poem By Joan Miessau 2005
All rights protected.

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