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I have a friend
my heart is glad
And happy thoughts are mine;
A someone who accepts my faults
Yet loves me through all time.

A friend in whom I may confide
To tell my joys or care,
God's nicest gift that I may know
I have a friend who's there.

I don't know when it first began,
Just seemed to live and grow
Until I found within my heart
A love I treasured so.

Perfection in this wondrous one,
It seemed that I'd been blessed.
Companionship that turned to gold
More precious than the rest.

You are my friend, I'm oh, so sure
You needn't tell me so;
In every thought, in every deed
I've watched it dearer grow.

So much in common that we share,
The good, the fine, the sweet.
I have a friend, I need no more
A friend makes life complete.
Garnett Ann Schultz
Used with permission

May You always be covered in God's Pure Love!

Thank you for visiting with me!
With Love straight from my heart

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