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When you've struggled through the day
and nothing seems to go your way.
There's just one thing I have to say,
You really need a HUG

You work so hard to do things right
and no one seems to care.
You wonder if it's worth the fight,
You need a HUG
to share.

When sad and tears begin to flow
and words can't reach your heart.
I care and want to let you know,
says more than words impart.

When you're filled with
love and happiness
and you want to share those feelings
that words can't quite express,
will say it best.

So whatever the day
has brought your way
Here's a great big HUG

From me to you.
With Lot's of LOVE!!
J. Miessau 6-2004

May you always be covered in God's pure Love!
Thank you for dropping by
and visiting with me!
With Hugs and Love Straight
from my Heart

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