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Special Friends

Special Friend's

I have always seen my life
as a journey on a
road to tomorrow.

There have been hills
and valleys and turns
here and there that
have filled my life
with all kinds of
challenges and changes.

But I made it
through those times,
because there were always
special friends
I met along the way.

My special friends
are the ones who
have walked beside me,
comforting my spirit or
holding my hand
when I needed it the most.

They were friends
who loved my smiles
and were not
afraid of my tears.
They were true friends who
really cared about me.

Those friends are forever
they are cherished
and loved more than
they'll ever know.

YOU are one of my
"Special Friends"
and a beautiful
part of my life!

Thank you for being my friend.
With Love and Hugs
Straight from my Heart!!Joan

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