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Spring is back in town

Spring Is Back In Town



Spring is back in town
Welcome to you spring time!
What a wondrous day!
Winter packed and left
when he saw you on the way.
All creation is rejoicing.
Rising from the winter rest.
The flowers are busy budding
while the birds are building nests.
I hear the bees a'buzzing
Chipmunks are out of the ground
Squirrels are at the door a'begging
and the greese are hanging 'round.
Welcome to the showers
and the freshess in the air.
I see you brought some flowers
and spread them everywhere.
The trees lift their limbs with glee.
When a breeze goes passing by
I can't see a an angry cloud
in the clear blue sky.
I think I'll clean the yard today
and mend a fence or two
Sow some seeds and pull some weeds.
Just to welcome you..
Yolanda Cohen
Used with permission.

May God Bless You!

Thank you for dropping by
to visit with me!
With Love and hugs
straight from my heart


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