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Sweet Life

Sweet Life
Beauty is everywhere
celebrate being alive.

Let us all walk our path with gentle
footsteps and listening hearts.

Take time each day for quiet contemplation
and make time to love and be loved.

Life is a garden that blossoms when tended
with love, laughter, and a believing heart.

Laughter is a richer gift
when shared with those we love.

A simple act of kindness
can change the course of a lifetime.

Happiness is a matter of listening closely
to the questions of the heart.

Love and gratitude have a language all their own.
They hear the words that are left unspoken.

Making the time to be together
is the finest gift we can ever give.

Greet each day with the belief that
wonderful things are about to happen.

The earth sings in blue skies and wildflowers
may its joyful music awaken you to the
beauty of life.

Thank you for visiting with me!
With love straight from my Heart


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