Celebrating the 4th in Otis
Wow what a mess. Spent this 4th of July with the good folks from Granby, CT up at the Otis, MA lakehouse. For those of you from Cumberland, Granby is where HighMeadows is, search back in the memory for 8th grade NCMS field trip. Anyway, Miller and Matt weren't kidding about spending $500 on a great fireworks show. The problem of where to shoot them of from was quickly solved when we found Jakes paddleboat. So yes, the fireworks you're seeing are being shot off from a paddleboat in the middle of the lake by Miller and Matt, (the heroes) who swam away with a few minor burns. Good work fellas. Check out the video shorts at the bottom too. Cheers.
Every picture is a lost memory

Yeah that's $500 worth of fireworks. For video and drunk yelling click on the video after the links!
Inebriated Fireworks Show
Fun With Roman Candles
Fireworks from the PaddleBoat 1
Fireworks from the PaddleBoat 1