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The Faith in Chaos Sequel

No one expects to move next to their soul mate, especially if your soul mate happens to be a pop star. But what if it happened to you, what would you do? Just Breathe.

He quickly made his way out of his home and onto the back docks. He sat down on the dock and hung his feet over, enjoying the cool ocean breeze. The waves crashed brutally against the shore and darks clouds began to cover the moon. He loved the ocean, if he had to chance to become a fish and swim away he would not have to think twice about it, he would just do it. His mind began to wonder, but all too soon he felt a hand come down on his shoulder, causing him to scream.
"Sorry!" She cried stepping back from his body.
"Holy geeze wow!" He gasp as she sat down next to him.
"Sorry," she dangled her legs off the dock as well.
"Next time I'll wear bells or something," she snickered hitting his shoulder playfully.
"Yeah. Bells. You do that." He took a deep breath and felt a lonely raindrop hit his head. "How'd you know I was out here?"
"I couldn't sleep, I went into your room." She smiled over at him. "I've missed you soo much Nickolas." He placed his hand over hers and held eye contact. "I went into your room and you weren't there. I figured you were tired, I knew you were tired. I walked down stairs and saw the patio door open, well Mr. Brilliance, you didn't shut the door. Plus I know how much you love the ocean, and how much it clams you." Nick smiled as she pulled her eyes away from his.

Started: 9.18.01
Launched: 11.23.01
Last Updated: 11.23.02

Chapter One: Like the dream you know one day will come to life
Chapter Two: I can feel you breathe, it's washing over me
Chapter Three: Kiss the Rain whenever you need me
Chapter Four: It's in the way you love me
Chapter Five: I won't say the words then take them back
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:

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