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Lucas Carpenter

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White Rose


Feeling that she wasted two years of her life

He paid her no mind and yet wanted her as his wife

Misunderstanding the feeling of lust for Love

Taking away the gleam in her eye, the blue skies from above

When the nicest thing he ever did for her was want her back

Sent her a dozen red roses and a heart attack, no heart attached



But I guess some men just don't understand

Love cannot be boughten by some common man

You can't just let her be and play the fool

You gotta put her on a pedestal



And Anna says I Love the smell of a white rose

The fragrance lasting through the air

Oh now, Anna Rose, Anna Rose


Then she opens up her mouth, he's not hearing the sweet sound

Looking deep into her eyes, no knees hit the ground

When the mere mention of her name sends shivers down most spines

Yet when she gives him a glance he don't feel like the luckiest man alive






Then to her house he comes with his white rose

Hands it over to her face

There her heart goes, there it goes



