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Lucas Carpenter

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Cabin Fever


The walls are closing in on me

The atmosphere is looking dreadful so I shut the curtains

Shading me from the visions on the outside

On the TV a bleach-blonde talks about the fashion victim

For you are the queen when you have a sweatshop made handbag

The walls are closing in on me



We've got to break away

Before we go insane

A simple change in the weather

Get me up off the floor

Pick me up kick me out the door

Before I die of cabin fever


The walls are closing in on me

Now if I move from this chair I might break my back

I'm a slave to the crap they put on television

I wish I could win a million dollars

Like the guy who answered the silly nursery rhyme

The walls are closing in on me





The sun is peeking through the darkness

With a smile on his face

Inviting me to come along with him


The walls are closing in on me

