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Lucas Carpenter

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New Day


Went to a party to see some friends of mine

Hadn't seen them in a long time

It wasn't too long that we were inside then we were out the door

Trying to decide on something to do

And they say where would you like to go

I say anywhere but not the moon don't take me there

Cause it's a new day, and it's a new day, it's a new day



And when the morning comes and kisses the sky with light

The darkness runs and hides, my worries fall away

The cool grass on my feet reminds me how sweet it is

And how my Love will dance on this new day


And on our way to pleasure we pick up three at a Lorson party

At a shindig in the valley,

Me and Shelly doing back flips on a trampoline

So we all hop in the Chevy and take it for a spin on the back country roads

Kathy and her boy in the backseat

Holding hands, but that I'm not suppose to know

But I know anyway cause it's a new day, and it's a new day, it's a new day




It's a new day, it's a new day, and it's a new day

