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Lucas Carpenter

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You're Not That Beautiful


You wake up every morning at 6 AM

To the sounds of alarm clocks ringing in your head

You put on your clothes and you brush your hair

Then you say to the girl I in the mirror there

"I look good, I look great, maybe they'll let me take over the world today"



You think you're beautiful

And they think you're beautiful

But you're not that beautiful

You're not that beautiful

You're not that beautiful, oh no


Around you the world will spin

Everything stops, then begins

You know in your mind that you're looking great

But all the compliments you pretend to hate





They gather round you to look and to touch

But I'm not one and I'm not missing much


Because you're not that beautiful

You're not that beautiful

You're not that beautiful, oh no


Now there sits a girl that the guys pass by

But she don't mind, she don't begin to cry

She makes me laugh with out all the looks

And that's why I don't judge on the cover of some best selling book


Now that girl's beautiful

That girl's beautiful

Yeah she's beautiful

Yeah she's beautiful, oh, yeah


You wake up every morning at 6 AM

To the sounds of alarm clocks ringing in your head