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Hey every one dis page is
[UnDeR MaDD RenovASIAN!]
but thanKz fOe DroPPin'By


Name: ShIeLa MaE M.
Nick: BeBeGuRl, MaE, sHeLLe, ELLA, SmILeY, ShoRtaY
Age: ReAD On! anD Do The MaTh!
Nats: 101 puRcEnT FiLiPiNA
Sex: BaByGirL
Location: 860
B-day: 09010084 I'M a ViRgO-rian BayBee!
Stats: i love this guy J! u knew who u are *wink*
Fave Saying: "let him go for if it were truly meant to be he will come back in to ur life and if he doesnt then it wasnt meant to be in the first place.. Somewhere out there fate has destined u to a man that will truly love u and will forever will be ur's.. "
Likes: Shoppin’, Sleepin’, Spendin’ time w/ my Friends and Family, Going to the beach, sUmmertime,
Dislikes: sh!t talkers,liarz, haterz, decieverz, heartbreakerZ, people who seems to just messed around w/ someone’s life and emotions ya know feelings and stuff, Also BuLL-ishterz!! ya know Talkin' alotta BS!Dem' Muthafawkaz Who don’t’ know wat the hell they talkin’ bout…YOU don’t Know Me!!dats all I gotta say….so back off..BITzEZ!

Fave Color: Pink, Blue, Black, White and Orange
Fave Song of the Moment: Funny Feelings (112),Unfoolish(ashanti)
Fave Singers: 112,AAliyah,JE,Usher,BriaN McKnight, Busta RhyMes, DEstiNychIld, JaneT J.,
AcTorS: Vin Disel(oh god!! he's blazin' hot!!), Paul WalKeR (Gotz to be the Eye), FrEddie PriNze Jr.,Meikenei Pfeiffer(Dem'Dimples),Chris Tucker(Belly Funny),
ActRess: JuLIa RoBerTs, CaMeRon Diaz, JenniFeR Lopez
Tv Showz: FrIends, PassIon, MTv, bEt
Movies: Kung Pow,Rush Hour1&2, FasT&FurIous, ANgeL eyes, TRIPLE XXX, VIN DIESEL BABY!
TypE Of MuSic: RAp/HIpHOp&RB, Dance, Slow Jamz and Reggae Dance

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-[To All my Homegirlz]-


-[To All my Homeboyzz]-


and for those people i didnt mention..doesnt mean i forgot bout u...ya know who you are..its just too much to! dang! i love you all


You're always be my hunny...
My Best friend Till the End
You gave me hope
You gave me joy
You made me feel love that i never felt before
When i was sad, You cheered me up
You kissed my tears away, and hold me near your heart
Your smile,your gentle touch, and silly faces you made
Always made my day, and leaves my heart smiling
When i look into your eyes
I can see your soul, your beauty
Beauty that's undescribable
More than words can ever say
From the moment i wake up, and before i put on my makeup
I always say a little prayer for you
You're my angel, You're my bestfriend, You're my everything ,
Thank You Jordan, For being part of me, part of my life coz
Your love is One in a Million


"because u let ur heart rule everything.......u give the person that ur in love with everything.....all of urself.....REMEMBER that sometimes u need to leave some for ur self .......just that don't even trade ur friends with anyone.......because at the end, when that guy is not the one......when u realize that u picked the wrong guy.......that after all those sacrifices and love, it wasn't meant to be..........ur FRIENDS will be the only ones there for you (besides ur family)......they will be the one to take ur burden with cry along with u.......cherish ur friends sheila......cause at the end they might be the only ones there left for u...................sometimes tooo much love isn't enough........"

is it so? i let my heart rule? every now and then, i always get my heart broken. I promise myself that i would never fall for somebody, until he came along . I refused to listen, i pretend to be blind,is that the reason why, my heart is breaking until now? I dont know wat else to say, and dont even know what to think....where do i stand?? I felt like im stuck in the middle, I still felt something is missing Im scared most of the time Im wishing for a miracle to happen, perhaps a sign!

my bestfriends came over tonite! it was the best day usual, we ate dinner, socialized and parttayy...lols, yup! we dance ..silly as it may sound, but we had alotta fun....some people say " the more you smile, the more you cry" I dont know why im cried tonite...when i went to bed, im thinking of that someone..i wish i can hold him, i felt horrible thinking that i wish i never met him, so at least i wont have to long for him, or miss him...
dang! january went by quick! new month ahead...i dont exactly believe in psychic...but what she told me the last time i went, got me thinking...thou, she told me to be careful of the month of february..what she mean by that?..anyways,new semesters okay!...just feelin'down coz months slippin' away ..4 more months to go..ill be graduatin'...but hey wat can you do?? thats life!...i guess you just have to treasure every moment..and live to the fullest rite?
feb.7 love is sick :( and so does lil bday girl(lil sis)...everybody's gettin 'this flu...well hopefully they'll be aigiht. i did alot of cleaning and fixing here and there today for tomorrow's lil's party.Wish he could make it but i just want J to rest so i ll see him the next school day...we're gettin along real well lately...i just hope nobody would mess up w/ dis atmosphere again....
feb. 8 2003
forgive and forget!...things had been said and done..all we have to do is moved on and be strong" was my sister's bday, ugh! lil kids such brats..hehe..anyways..i enjoy it as well coz i got to spend time w/ my bestfriends as well...too bad my love was sick and couldnt come in...but you know what guys??...he called me at nite...he asked me back out..i have always love jordan, and i know what happen before hopefully will not happen again...but anyways, we're taking things more calmer, he'd became my real close good bestfriend since..and im not about to lose him again.
feb.15 2003
i didnt got to see him on valentines day coz he was sick. but im lucky to spend time w/ him today and with my bestfriends...i felt the atmosphere of love..i look into their faces, and i was very proud and thankful to have my friends around me. it was the best day ever, we had fun, taking our valentines pictures in the mall, and of course in the arms of jordan



"OOooMuH KrEW OOoo"