Say No to Vodka Eyeballing--the New Drinking
Topic: Optical
There has been a rise in the number of cases of adolescents participating in a drinking game called vodka eyeballing. It's a simple and stupid game. You take a bottle of vodka, remove the cap, put it on your eye, and tip back until the vodka hits your eye. Does it get you drunk? No. Could it damage the eye? Heck, yes.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology came out with this statement: "A dangerous drinking game called 'vodka eyeballing' is attracting public attention on YouTube. People need to be aware that anyone who pours vodka directly into his eye risks damaging the surface epithelial cells--often causing pain and infection. More seriously, 'eyeballing' can also lead to permanent vision damage by killing endothelial cells in deeper layers of the eye's cornea."