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Thursday, 16 September 2010
Chuck E. Cheese's Foray into Eyewear Shortlived
Topic: Eye Care
With prodding from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Chuck E. Cheese ended his foray into eyewear and recalled more than 120,000 eyeglasses, as well as 1.1 million light-up rings.The old Chuckster and the CPSC weren't fooling around. They were worried that a child might break one of the give-aways and ingest the batteries. 

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:19 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 September 2010 7:21 AM EDT
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Complete Line of 3D Prescription Lenses
Topic: 3D Eyewear
Luxottica will launch in late 2010 the world's first range of glasses for watching 3D films with prescription lenses. Oakley, the Luxottica brand that will launch the next line, reportedly has maintained visual clarity anded extended the peripheral viewing angle, resulting in a better alignment of 3D images. Luxottica has tested its initial idea at DreamWorks workshops.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:06 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Men and Women See Eye Health Differently
Topic: Eye Care

The American Optometric Association's (AOA) annual American Eye-Q® survey shows that men and women see and treat vision health differently. For example, almost three-quarters of women suffer from seasonal eye allergies, compared to only two-thirds of the men surveyed. The report adds, "Surprisingly though, more men (16 percent) than women (9 percent) have missed work because of seasonal eye allergies."

Thirty-five percent of women (compared to 28 percent for men) check for UV protection when purchasing sunglasses. The survey also showed that "more men (36 percent) than women (27 percent) mistakenly believe name-brand sunglasses are better for your eyes and offer more protection than generic or less expensive sunglasses."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 5:58 AM EDT
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Army Warns Soldiers about Safety Eyewear
Topic: Safety Eyewear

"Eyeglasses that failed ballistic tests four years ago are available in Self Service Supply Centers, and the Army wants them off the shelves now. What’s more, the Army is warning soldiers against wearing the inferior glasses. All Army Action Message calls on the supply centers to stop stocking and issuing Pyramex Venture II glasses, national stock number 4240-01-500-6173, and directs commanders to ensure their personnel are wearing Army-approved eyewear." That's a story from ArmyTimes.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 5:50 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 14 September 2010
CL Website Misleads
Topic: Contact Lenses

A story posted by 3news says that "a complaint about a website advertisement for contact lenses wrongly claiming approval by optometrists has been upheld by the New Zealand's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). L Frederikson of the New Zealand Association of Optometrists (NZAO) complained about claims made by Luxottica Retail NZ on its Contacts2Go website, saying they contained errors in fact and were misleading."

Optometrists in New Zealand objected to the phrase on the home webpage saying "Optometrist Approved" and the body of the ad that stated Contacts2Go has been approved by optometrists.

The story noted that "the ASA said there was a high standard of social responsibility expected in the advertising of therapeutic products and the ad failed to meet those standards, so breached the therapeutic products advertising code."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:52 AM EDT
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Eye Care Documentary Wins CINE Award
Topic: Eye Care
"The Armenian EyeCare Project (AECP) and Art Simon Productions are pleased to announce that 'The Armenian EyeCare Project' documentary has won the prestigious CINE Golden Eagle Award, which has been widely recognized as a symbol of excellence in professional and independent filmmaking for over 50 years," says ArmeniaDiaspora. The documentary tells about the operations of the AECP in providing quality eye care to Armenians. The following is a short clip from the documentary.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:42 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:21 PM EDT
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Monday, 13 September 2010
Drops to Cure Myopia?
Topic: Eye Care
"A gene that causes shortsightedness has been pinpointed by British scientists, paving the way for eye drops that could make glasses history. Within just ten years, a drug that prevents short-sightedness or stops it in its tracks could be in widespread use," according to the DailyMail.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:05 AM EDT
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Sunday, 12 September 2010
Glasses Concern with 3D TV
Topic: 3D Eyewear

Nearly three-quarters into the first year of the latest launch of 3D TV, a Nielsen survey released Thursday finds plenty of reluctance among consumers to embrace the technology. Much of it is centered on the need to wear 3D glasses.

Fifty seven percent of people surveyed said the glasses were a major reason they were unlikely to buy a 3D TV. Nearly 90 percent said the glasses would hinder multitasking while watching television," according to a story on CNETNews.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:50 AM EDT
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DB Wearing Glasses Years after Laser Surgery
Topic: Optical--Sort Of

Who cares? Great Britiain's DailyMirror apparently has little better to do than follow David Beckham, wondering why he was honing and then removing his eyewear.

Here's one from VisionMonday: "The President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies appeared in newspapers and on national TV wearing Pramaor eyewear."


Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:46 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 September 2010 8:03 AM EDT
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Friday, 10 September 2010
Eye Infection Affects 50
Topic: Eye Care

Fifty people reported sore eyes after visting the Royal Adelaide Show. South Australia Health Department officials traced the cause to stagnant cow urine in the dairy pavilion. The urine mixed with rain, releasing ammonia. The reactions were severe enough to send 20 victims to the hospital.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 1:57 PM EDT
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Halloween CL Warning
Topic: Contact Lenses
"The popularity of coloured and decorative contact lenses is likely to increase in 2010 as people go all-out to create the perfect costume, one source believes" reports ContactLenses. The problem, not mentioned in the story: From whom will they purchase the lenses? Within the past several months, individuals are showing up at optical shops with eye infections resulting from poor fitting decorative CLs sold by unlicensed operations. Months after Connecticut's attorney general warned unlicensed retailers about selling CLs, an individual reportedly purchased a pair at a nail salon.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:13 AM EDT
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Extended-Extended Wear CLs
Topic: Contact Lenses
Take a contact lens, coat it with a little selenium, and people could wear their CLs for as long as two months, says Ted Reid of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock. Why? Selenium is antibacterial, which enables extended wear. See story here.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:46 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 10 September 2010 7:19 AM EDT
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Federal Info on Impact Resistance
Topic: Optical
Should you need detailed information about the regulations governing impact resistance of lenses, good to this link, which the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) set up recently.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:24 AM EDT
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Thursday, 9 September 2010
Workers Don't Use Safety Eyewear
Topic: Safety Eyewear
"New research published by 3M has revealed that over a third of companies in UK have employees who don’t wear safety eyewear when required," according to a post on Safety & Health Practitioner. Some 38 percent complained that their safety eyewear felt uncomfortable. (Was that compared to a shard in the eye?) About 73 percent claimed comfort was "the most important factor when selecting safety eyewear."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 8:16 AM EDT
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Two Designers Sign Deal
Topic: Eyewear
WWD (Women's Wear Daily) is running the following story: "Two cutting-edge names in fashion – Maison Martin Margiela and Cutler and Gross – are finally seeing eye-to-eye."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 8:07 AM EDT
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The Effect of the Upcoming Changes in FSA Regs
Topic: Insurance

Opticians have become accustomed to an end-of-the-year sales rush--not sparked by the holidays. Customers want to spend the remainder of the flex spending (FSA--flexibile spending accounts). With the passage of the recent health care bill, FSA's will change.

OTC meds and devices will require a doctor's note if the patient wants to apply his/her FSA. There are exceptions, such as contact lens supplies and reading glasses.

By  2013, the law limits FSA allocations to $2500 annually tax-free,  down from the current $5000 tax-free. Apparently individuals in the past would use their left over flex spending to go on buying sprees. Click here for more.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 8:05 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Humana Vision Expands Retails Providers
Topic: Insurance
HumanaVision Vision Care Plan (VCP) network is expanding its network to include LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, Sears Optical, Target Optical, and JCPenney Optical as of the secord quarter next year. That's the report from MarketWatch.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 5:38 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 September 2010 5:39 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Geek or Fashion Accessory
Topic: Eyewear
Once eyewear equalled geek for teenagers. Apparently that has changed, at least in Great Britain, according to ContactLenses. "Teenagers are increasingly focusing on eyewear in order to showcase their fashion nous, one source has noted. According to a post on Guampdn.com, one of the best ways of displaying a person's individuality is through their eyes and as a result teens are buying sunglasses to enhance their appearance."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:31 AM EDT
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Monday, 6 September 2010
Oakley USOC Sponsor
Topic: Optical
"Oakley has signed a sponsorship and licensing agreement with the U.S. Olysmpic Committee that will allow it to outfit members of Team USA with its eyewear during Olympic competition. Terms of the multiyear agreement were not available, but sources said it offers the USOC both cash and value-in-kind," reports SportsBusinessJournal.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 8:24 AM EDT
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Hopes for a Good Year in 2011
Topic: Eye Care
Regardless of what you thought of the health care bill, you--along with the rest fo the health care field--may benefit as business people. "As the provisions of the Affordable Care Act begin to be implemented, many small businesses in the United States will be able to take advantage of new tax credits, a new report shows. During the first phase of the act, some businesses employing some 16.6 million workers will be eligible for these tax credits, according to the report released Thursday from the Commonwealth Fund. 'The new law is likely to have a significant impact on affordability and access to health care coverage for small business owners and employees,' Commonwealth Fund president Karen Davis said during a press conference Wednesday," according to a story posted on MedicineNet.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:47 AM EDT
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