Job: Editor

Who: Melissa Papio, Katey Mayer, Annie Lee


Job Description:

An editor will be asked to edit any or all material that appears in the
newspaper for error of grammar, punctuation, clarity, accuracy, fairness,
wordiness and completeness. He or she will also write headlines.


-Become extremely familiar with all the rules of REPAPSWEN and
Associated Press style, as well with the rules and restrictions associated
with headline writing.

-Be prepared to answer any questions of style or grammar.

-Edit stories of all types that appear in the paper

-Ensure that all writing in the paper uses proper grammar and

-Write headlines, summaries, captions, pull quotes, etc.

-Constantly refer to reference materials to verify facts and
spelling in the stories.

-Identify stories that need major revision, possibly recommending
that they be held.

-Identify false publications or any potentially false publications
and alert the editor in chief.

-Bring the Editor in chief’s attention to consistent problems.

-Attend required staff meetings.

-Set individual goals each term to improve your journalistic skills.

Requirements for position: Must be an honors student at Avon High School, sophomore or higher.

Direct supervisor: Editor in chief


Job: Film critic

Who: Ashley Bender


Job Description:

Film critics view recently released movies and present readers with a brief summery and critique of the plot, actors, etc. The goal of film critics should be to inform readers of the latest movies and what type of audience would enjoy them. Film critics also keep the student body updated and informed about the films and movies teachers use in their classrooms and that are shown school-wide. Editors and editor in chief have final right of approval of all content.

Expectations: film critics are expected to

-View all recently released films.

-Provide readers with information on background of actors, plot,

-Write a well-informed critique of films.

-Communicate picture needs with staff photographer.

-Set goals to improve writing skills.

-Meet all deadlines.

Requirements for position: Must be an honors student at Avon High School

Direct supervisor: Editor


Job: Advice Columnist

Who: Amanda Kushner


Job Description:

Advice columnists reply to letters sent to Repapswen by readers who need
advice. The goal of an advice columnist is to give helpful, safe and informative advice. Replies should present multiple options from which the reader can chose. Editors and editor in chief have final right of approval of all replies.

Expectations: advice columnists will be expected to:

-Research on advice topic in order to provide an informative response.

-Provide safe solutions.

-Give options or steps in the reply and in a professional, though personal manner, that would help solve the problem.

-maintain the highest degree of confidentiality.

-Write one column per issue.

Requirements for position: Must be an honors student at Avon High School; an expressed interest in social work and/o psychology is desired.

Direct supervisor: Editor


Job: Sports Columnists

Who: Maggie Scapellati and Ally O’Connor


Job Description:

Sports columnists are responsible for composing enthusiastic and exciting reports on recent games at Avon High School for the sports section of the REPAPSWEN newspaper. Sports reporters are also responsible for wins and losses, highlights of the game, the participation of the crowd, and important players throughout that specific game. It is most important that these columnists create excitement within the readers: the student body. Editors and Editor in chief have final right of all approval of all content.

Expectations: Sports reporters are expected to do the following:

-Create a style of writing that will create excitement within the readers.

-Articles will be written weekly or for the final pristine product of our REPAPSWEN newspaper. This will depend on the final decision from the REPAPSWEN staff.

-Every other day, each reporter will be expected to communicate with one of the editors or the editor in chief to revise and edit his/ her work. They must remember themselves to meet with the editors; they will not be reminded by anyone else. These meetings will be important because this way, the reporters will be knowledgeable on due dates and deadlines.

-Reporters must not be biased and compose a column on their “friends”. They must report information about other players on the team. If this happens, the column will not be published.

-Reporters are responsible for finding out information about when the games start and end and they must attend as many games as possible. This will require after school, personal time.

Requirements for the position: Must be an honors student at Avon High School.

Direct Supervisor: Editors


Job: Layout designer/ Graphic designer

Who: Josh Dee, Chris Stevenson and Matt Lopes


Job Description:

The designer will design computer graphics paginate pages for publication in REPAPSWEN in an appealing manner for the Avon student’s delight. Editors and Editor in chief have final right of approval of all content.


-Have an understanding of newspaper design and be able to design pages.

-Become extremely familiar with the operation of computer design tools.

-Keep track of graphics in the works, making sure they are finished in time finish for publication and contain no inaccuracies or errors of grammar, spelling, or style.

-Produce graphic tags, pictures and info-graphics.

-Type in information for graphics as required.

-Work with the design editor and other staff members to develop innovative graphic oriented projects.

-Must do ad placement and credits.

-Work to create a visually appealing coverage for REPAPSWEN.

-Maintain communications with reporters and photographer in order to meet layout design needs.

Requirement: Must be familiar with computers and have had computer experience.

Direct Supervisor: Editors and Editor in chief


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