We begin with Mass at 7 p.m. and continue our meeting in the Parish Activity Center conference room. Dates below are Wednesday meetings unless noted otherwise.
1: First Friday Adoration -- 9 a.m. - noon and 8-11 p.m. | |
6: Welcome Back! Our 1st meeting of the year. | |
10: Sunday -- Back to School Project, 2:30 p.m., Parish Activity Center | |
13: Great Expectations! | |
16: Saturday -- Invitational Kick-off Event | |
20: Do I Hear an Amen? | |
24: Sunday -- Youth Mass at 6 p.m. | |
27: How Far Is Too Far? |
3: Respect Your Elders! | |
5: First Friday Adoration -- 8-11 p.m. | |
7: Sunday -- Grandparent's Day | |
10: Divorce! | |
17: It's All About You! | |
24: Meeting | |
28: Sunday -- Youth Mass at 6 p.m. |
1: Meeting | |
3: First Friday Adoration -- 8-11 p.m. | |
5: Sunday -- Respect Life Sunday | |
8: God Bless America! | |
15: Meeting | |
22: Meeting | |
25: Daylight Savings -- turn clocks back 1 hour tonight! | |
26: Sunday -- Youth Mass at 6 p.m. |