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Resource Links

American Center for Law & Justice
American Family Association
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
American Jewish Historical Society
Chosen People
Dennis Prager Website
Echad Music
Family Links
Holocaust Victims Litigation
Jews for Conservative Politics
Jews for Jesus
Jihad Watch
Landmark Legal Foundation
Messianic Jewish Top 50 Sites
Michael Medved
National Review On-Line
Walid Shoebat-Former Terorrist
Son of Hope-David Berkowitz
Star of David Int Inc/adoption service
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Toward Tradition
UJA NY Federation
Union Facts
Zola Levitt Ministry

News Links

Mohammed Cartoons
Free Republic
Front Page Mag/David Horowitz
Honest Reporting.Com
Israel National News
Jackie Mason on Islam
Jerusalem Post
Jewish World Review
Town Hall-Conservative Columnist

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