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Connecticut Genealogy

Welcome to the Sharon, Litchfield County, CT

GenWeb Project

Born, Married and Died, in Sharon, Connecticut

A Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths in the town of Sharon, Conn. from 1721 to 1879
taken from Ancient Land and Church Records and other Authentic Sources.
Lawrence VanAlstyne, Sharon, Connecticut, 1897

This page was started with a contribution by Beverly Plack
she kindly copied some of the "L 's" that appear on page 79
Thanks Beverly for getting us started!


Page 79

Beverly Plack has kindly copied some of the "L's" that appear on page 79

LAKE, Alva and Ordelia Horsford, m. Jan. (off).
LAKE, Daniel and Polly Card, m. Jan 1, 1818
LAKE, Harriet L. and Norman E. Wheeler, m. Oct 21, 1845
LAKE, Jesse W. and Lois Goodrich, m. Oct 11, 1827
*LAKE, Matilda and John Dutcher, m. Dec. 29, 1787
LAKE, Rebekkah and Edward Howel, m. March 23, 1769
LAMB, Abigail, d. of Ebenezer and Ellis, b. Dec. 8, 1778 
LAMB, Ann and Jonas Adams, both of Oblong, m. June 4, 1755 
*LAMB, Caleb and Anne Baliss, m. Dec. 11, 1765
LAMB, Charles, A. of Maumee City, O., and Caroline Benedict, of Sharon, m. Sept. 11, 1837
LAMB, David and Elizabeth Gates, m. Dec. 17, 1755 
LAMB, Ellis, wife of Ebenezer, d. April 30, 1770 
LAMB, Henry and Lucy Whitford, m. Jan 10, 1830
*LAMB, Issac, Jr., and Abigail Tryal, m. Dec. 27, 1772 
*LAMB, Louis(e) and Jonathan Allen, m. Sept. 12, 1771 
*LAMB, Ruth and Paul Atwell, m. March 14, 1764
LAMB, Sarah and Gershom Saxton, m. Aug. 16, 1745 
LAMPMAN, Thomas Jr., and June Freeman m. Jan. 4, 1828
LAMPSON, Samuel and Wealthean Parde, both of Sharon, m. June 2, 1774
LAMPSON, Welthea and Gershom Dorman m. June 8, 1779
LANDERS, Abigail, d. of Joseph and Sarah, b. Feb. 2, 1763
LANDERS, Caleb, s. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, b. Nov. 13, 1750
LANDERS, Content, d. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, b. Aug. 6, 1755
LANDERS, Deborah, of Sharon and Samuel Eggleston, Jr., of North East, NY., m. April 1, 1798
LANDERS, Deborah, d. of Joseph Jr., and Sarah, b. Jan. 8, 1774
LANDERS, Isaac, s. of Joseph and Sarah, d. June--1749
LANDERS, Joshua, s. of Joseph, Jr., and Sarah, b. Nov. 9, 1755
LANDERS, Joshua, s. of Joseph and Sarah, d. Dec. 19, 1755
LANDERS, Joseph s. of Joseph and Sarah, b. March 9, 1752
LANDERS, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, d. June 22, 1756
LANDERS, Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, b. July 11, 1757
LANDERS, Mary, d. of Joseph, Jr., and Sarah ??? d. Sept. 20, 1761
LANDERS, Mercy, d. of Joseph, Jr., and Sarah b. Aug. 20, 1761
LANDERS, Peleg, s. of Joseph and Sarah, d. June 3, 1749

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Louise Johns Neu © 2001
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