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On education
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Friday, 9 November 2007
Learning again!
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: On education
Learning begins with asking questions so that the brain can regulate and construct meanings by creating association or to spot missing links...If taking the short cut by memorising answers provided, the brain fails to create links and thus fails to construct meanings. This is shallow learning which will not bring about understanding in depth.

Posted by ct3/sqss at 5:09 AM
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Creating conducive learning environments
Mood:  bright
Topic: On education

1. Pleasant atmosphere so that the mind is ready to construct

2. Appropriate context to help the mind to relate to past experiences

3. Providing opportunity to self assess own learning so as to check understanding

4. Integrating past learning into new tasks

5. Encouraging discussion to make thinking process visible and to create meanings from concepts learnt

6. Inducing conditions for asking probing questions 

Posted by ct3/sqss at 4:37 AM
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Friday, 8 June 2007
Learning process??
Mood:  on fire

Posted by ct3/sqss at 8:09 AM
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Sunday, 27 May 2007
Learning how to learn effectively
Mood:  bright
Topic: On education
There is an urgent need to include "Learning how to learn effectively" in every class and at every level.
Most students do not have the basic learning skills to help them learn on their own.

Many students have yet started their personal learning journey...
Many still depend heavily on their teachers to spoon-feed them with 'Exam-related' stuff so that they can regurgitate in the Exam.

Many do not even have the first stage right: Questioning.
Learning begins with a question mark - why and how that happens? What if? and so on...

Many do not extend beyond the second stage: Exploration.
Deep understanding is the result of intentional and consiously looking for more related information, nowadays, most conveniently on the Web.

Posted by ct3/sqss at 4:02 AM
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Saturday, 5 May 2007
Who is responsible for your learning?
Mood:  cool
Topic: On education
Everybody can learn but not everybody is motivated to learn.

Each learner must have the mindset that he/she is responsible for his/her own learning, nobody else can make him/her learn.

When learning is taking place, some changes are taking place in the brain. These changes can only be brought about by the learners themselves. When changes take place in the brains, learners conceptualise and making associations between past and present experiences, which may or may not be scientifically correct! Learners must put in the effort to analyse, to compare, to question, to relate, to extend, to explore... Is there any ambiguity or contradiction or exception...

Teacher (inappropriate term) can only provide the conducive environment to facilitate learning, cannot bring about learning without the learners' willingness to learn.

Posted by ct3/sqss at 4:14 AM
Updated: Saturday, 5 May 2007 4:18 AM
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Tuesday, 1 May 2007
My classroom is forever under construction!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: On education
There is no simple ways in helping a pupil learns. Each pupil is an individual; each has his own ways of learning, own experiences, own perceptions of the world and has different motivation in learning.

In a traditional classroom where a teacher helps 30 or more pupils to learn the same subject matter or content at the same pace of progress and at the same depth with the same teaching pedagogy, is no longer adequate to provide the needs of each individual.

Teaching and learning is a forever changing process, is social as well as emotional on top of pedagogical!

Posted by ct3/sqss at 5:55 AM
Updated: Tuesday, 1 May 2007 5:57 AM
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Sunday, 22 April 2007
Teacher teaches learning skills and content
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: On education
After guiding a group of learners to complete activities 1 to 4, I thought it is time to let them explore on their own to complete activity 5 where full instructions are given.

To my surprise, some blamed me not doing my job: I am paid to teach them!

Quite humerously I replied: I am here to teach you the learning skills, to teach you to be able to stand on your own feet, to help you develop into self-confident and self-managed life-long learner who has the positive learning attitude.

One of our learning outcomes is to teach learners to be independent of the teachers. They must develop the learning skills to solve unpredictable real-life problems in the future. How many of our youngsters realise this important educational goal besides scoring "A" in Examinations?

Posted by ct3/sqss at 3:03 PM
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Saturday, 7 April 2007
Personalised learning
Mood:  on fire
Topic: On education
Technologies as learning tools

We have most of the network infrastructure ready and soon at least 85% of the population will have Internet access, some of them even free of charge. But will that transform our country into a learning society?

Technologies have reached a point where personalised learning is no longer a dream. Those with strong conviction, belief and aptitude serving in education profession should self-explore the many possibilities to implement personalised learning even at the lower secondary level since most schools and homes already have the hardware and software ready. Committed education professionals may need to go through relevant training and self exploration to pick up necessary skills to implement personalised learning.

But the most crucial requirement for personalised learning is the readiness of the learners. Unfortunately most of them lack the self-dicipline and self-motivation to be able to stand on their own feet. A lot more is needed to be done at an early stage to develop such attitude and habit so that they can assume the responsibility for self-managed learning. Such quality is highly desirable but rarely exhibited in most learners yet.

Posted by ct3/sqss at 7:47 AM
Updated: Saturday, 7 April 2007 7:56 AM
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Thursday, 15 March 2007


"If you look to lead, invest at least 40% of your time managing yourself - your ethics, character, principles, purpose, motivation, add conduct. Invest at least 30% managing those with authority over you and 15% managing your peers. Use the remainder to induce those you 'work for' to understand and practice the theory. I use the term 'work for' advisedly, for if you don't understand that you should be working for your mislabeled 'subordinates," you haven't understood anything. Lead yourself, lead your superiors, lead your peers, and free people to do the same. All else is trivia,"

Dee Hock, Fast Company, 1996

Posted by ct3/sqss at 7:31 AM
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Thursday, 7 September 2006
Sharpen your Brain!
Mood:  surprised
Topic: On education
  • Our brain is a fantastic biological system that is able to readjust itself to suit the demand of the conditions of the environment.
  • The more you use it, the faster it will response to the demand.
  • The more challenges that you try to solve, the more linkages your brain is able to create between pre-existing perceptions & pre-conceptions as well as newly created concepts.
  • The rich becomes richer; the wise becomes wiser. Unfortunately this is exactly how the brain works.
  • So, use your brain as much as possible and you will on the way to become richer and wiser!

Posted by ct3/sqss at 6:11 AM
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