March 4, 2005- Hey, I'm not felling very good today... I'm sick... it sux alot! I've been pretty busy in the past couple days so that is why I haven't Blogged anything in awhile. Umm... so yeah on Tuesday, I went and saw Ong Bak... it was absolutely amazing!!! Thanx James for taking me I had a blast! I also sent out my Reference Letters for the military to Carol and Larry... it is awsome... I am totally pumped about it! I also have been doing alotta karate lately and working out hardcore! I gotta get in premo shape for Boot Camp. Not too much is up today... I gotta go take some band pictures for Jeff Dunn and the Unknowns for their CD cover so yep that is pretty much it... and probably gonna go see a movie!
February 25, 2005- Hiya! I've been super busy the last couple of days! I went to the doctors and I got the note and yesterday I went to the RMC to get all the papers and do a meeting. If all is good I'll be a Signal Operator in about 8 weeks and then in the summer going to Basic Traing (a.k.a Boot Camp) Yeppers should be fun... I've been super busy with school so yep that pretty much somes it up... pizza is here so bubye.
February 23, 2005- I'm really sorry about not putting anything down for awhile. I've been really busy! On Sunday i went to the movies with Clinton. The movie was Constantine... it was crappy. But I had still had a fun time! On monday i went to karate and then Rick came over and we did some more training which totally kicked ass! Umm... Tuesday night I had a big crapload of homework and I went to karate. Tonight I have a doctor's appiointment to get a not saying that my asthma is okay to join the Army. Fun Fun 
February 19, 2005- I had a blast today! I went to a hockey game and saw Krik Muller, Doug Gilmour, Dale Hawerchuck, Dave Gagner, Dave Ellet, John Maclean, Wendel Clark, Mike Keane, Matt Bradley, Brenden Morrow, Joe Cirella, Mike Gillis, Joe Nieuwendyk, Marty Turco, Nick Kypreos, Don Cherry, Ron McLean and the Tragically Hip play. I then went to the mall and bought a pair of punching bag gloves and a couple shirts. To top all of it off, I went to the free concert and saw Thornley with James... it was awsome!!! Except for the big drunk guy who almost elbowed me in the face a couple times
... good thing I'm a ninja 
February 18, 2005- I didn't do too much today. I am totally feeling healthy today. I didn't sleep last night but that it the usual so it is all good. I am really pumped for Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to a hockey game during the day and then a free Thornley concert on Saturday night. Awsome fun! On Sunday night I'm going to the movies with Clinton. Awsome! Oh and today I am falling totally in love with the Starting Line... they kick ass! Thanx Clinton
February 17, 2005- I was sick today so i didn't do anything... fun fun.
February 16, 2005- I went to school and then I went to a band practice... it was great!
February 15, 2005- I didn't do too much today. I went shopping today after school. I got a pair of jeans and a pair of shoes and i went to karate... that is about it.
February 14, 2005- Well it's Valentine's Day. I usually really like Valentine's Day and have tonnes of fun... but not this year...I hate being alone. But on a lighter note there was a really good deal on tanning today... so I did that at lunch and I have karate tonight and then I'm sleeping.... fun fun!
February 12, 2005- I'm not up to much today... yet. My grandma is coming down for awhile to see my new cousin. He is so cute. I am also gonna work on my karate kata. I'm not sure what else I am going to do. If I end up doing something really great and fun then I'll put something down.
February 10, 2005- Oops... sorry about missing yesterday. I'd say I was really busy but i forget what i was doing to not blog something. I talked to Mikey last night... I love that guy! He is doing great! Umm... I am still not sleeping well but whatever. I am also sore from karate. It hurts to be so tough and strong
I'm like a Freakin' Ninja Masta
j/k Well that is all for today folks.
February 8, 2005- I went to school today. It was pretty good. I have had a headache all day because I haven't been sleeping very well. It was the first day of second semester today! Yay! I have English, Calculus, Photography and Biology. I'm almost done this year and I will in the Choke to see the people I love the most! I am now super pumped for March. Going to go to the Taste of Chaos concert with Rob and Mikey!!! Parteh!!! I can't wait!!!
February 7, 2005- I was too occupied to put anything when I got home yesterday.Sorry. I had an awsome time chatting with some I haven't talked to in awhile so that was great! I didn't sleep much last night...again. Oh well that is life. I'm not up to much today. I'm gonna go driving and then to karate. I'm also going to bed really early tonight because of school tomorrow. Grr...
February 6, 2005- I'm gonna do some gaming today and that is about it. I'll add more later when I get home.
February 5, 2005(cont'd)- I just watched a couple movies. I watched Without a Paddle and The Grudge. They were both pretty good.
February 5, 2005- I'm feeling really good today. I am still alittle tired of the lack of sleep I've been getting. Not to much going on right now. Just went for a shower and am figuring out what I'm going to do today. If I figure that out I'll add more.
February 4, 2005- Well this is my first blog on the site. I made it today. I'm really sick today. Congested and all that fun stuff. I'm not doing to great today. I didn't sleep very well and dealing with alot of stuff right now that I didn't think I would have to deal with again. But on a positive note, yesterday I hung out with a really awsome person even though we just walked around and had coffee I had tonnes of fun. So thanx alot Anton!