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Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown

Wrestler's Ring Name: Bloodlust
Height: 7'3"

Weight: 355lbs.

Wrestler's Hometown: Unknown

Theme Music: Vampiro and The Misphet's Theme

Describe Your Entrance:

Describe Your Wrestler's Attire:

Trademark Move: Skull Bash/ Bloodbath

Trademark Description: They are laying or propped aganist the ringpost. Then he charges and kicks them in the head. Sometimes there is a weapon of some sorts in front of their face, like a steel chair, the steel steps, or a trash can./ He uses anything at his disposal, even his fist, and brutalizes his until he is DQ'ed or someone gets him off. It all depends on how mad he is.

Finishing Move: Killer Instinct/ Blugent Attack

Finishing Description: You set up like a pedigree. Then place your leg over the back of their neck and drive them straight into the mat./ Lift them into a vertical state with their arms hooked, and then you hook the feet in your arm pits. Then you spin and drop them on their head in a tombstone like kneel.

Manager (If you have one):
Manager's Real Name:

Manager Description:


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Who Does Your Wrestler Look Like: The undertaker when he had the goatee except bigger in size.

Do You Have Picture(s) Of Your Wrestler That You Want To Use: Ministry Undertaker