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FREE Karaoke Player Van Basco player has a viewer to sing along with the midi if the midi lyrics are contained in the file dowloaded. You also can read who the person is that recorded the midi sequence.
Destroyer Escort Sailors Assc John Wayne-MP3s on his love for America Patriotic Midis US Navel Academy Band-Mp3s Gospel Midis Irish Tunes Jewish Midis His Songs Midi-go-roundMidi SoundsCCM MIDI MeGa Primeline Midi LibraryDumb Blond
America the Beautiful Medley If you would like to download the midi, right click & "Save as Target". For Mac users you can check out this page for information on saving and hearing midis. Click Here Home Connecticut Resources Our Heroes Military RSS Patriotic Midis Patriotic Wallpaper Patriots CT Vietnam Vets Support Our Troops USA Images Connie's Email
America the Beautiful Medley
If you would like to download the midi, right click & "Save as Target".
For Mac users you can check out this page for information on saving and hearing midis.
Home Connecticut Resources Our Heroes Military RSS Patriotic Midis Patriotic Wallpaper Patriots CT Vietnam Vets Support Our Troops USA Images Connie's Email