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About Islam

Beginning of Islam   :---

       Islam began when prophet Mohammed  was considered as a prophet from <Allah> the god of Muslims. He was  40 years old. And he was in cave of heraa  , isolating his self from the people and thinking about the creatures and who create them. And the reason is that people in his time believed that all the creatures were made by luck, and there is no definite god of the word , just choose any god you want and start worshipping him.

     In the first 3 years of  the beginning of Islam , it was weak and most of people were in opposition to Islam. But when  prophet Mohammed  emigrated to Yathreb (almadina)   the power of Islam increased and more people became Muslims. Because of the wise of prophet Mohammed many people join Islam and he made Islam so powerful in a short period of time .


achievements of Islam                                                               


Al Quds

 Al kabaa