3rd Edition D&D - One-Shot

April 7, 2002

You say "Bringing the rest of them with you?"

Holly nods

Holly says "Joe is apparently comatose, Meggy should be here momentarily"

You say "I would have suggested Malakai, because I have godlike powers there, but I know Joe doesn't have a character there."

Holly nods

You say "Oh, I also have Sorcerer, now that I think about it..."

Djana has connected.

Holly wavies

<*> OOCly, Djana also 'wavies'

You say "Not to mention three books filled with Grimtooth's Traps and my contributer copy of the Munchkin's Guide to Powergaming, but those aren't games..."

Holly says "Contributor?"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "..."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "What a time to walk in"

You say "A joke. I was going to pin that one on you when you posted that you had bought it, Tyson, but I didn't want to pick on you more than usual..."

Holly says "Heh"

Holly says "Funny man.. Funny man."

Anton has connected.

You say "Smite smite smite!"

<*> OOCly, Djana waves

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Hi guys!"

You say "So, what game do you guys want to play. I trust Tyson gave you my list of possessions?"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "So, we're taking bets on how long it'll be until Jean starts hitting on my new, app 3 character."

<*> OOCly, Djana nods to Z.

Smokin says "Not really. At least for tonight."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "And how many body parts he's going to loose before he stops."

You say "How many body parts is he going to LOOSE? It only takes one... *evil smirk*"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "I"m easy D&D, Mage, Werewolf, Changeling, and Cthultu are all good with me."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "The hands will go first, Z."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "It's her style."

<*> OOCly, Djana grins

<*> OOCly, Holly has them all but CoC and Paranoia.

<*> OOCly, Djana has all of the WW stuff and D&D3e.

You say "This is like one of those deductive logic puzzles... *gets graph paper to start making a grid*"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "CoC is easy, it's all percentile rolls."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Ah"

You say "The only problem with it is I've only skimmed the book once, the the theme seems pretty simple."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "You put something on GCP about this, right Z?"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Ah, okay."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "I said I'd be willing to run a one-shot."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Good stuff."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Definately."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "It was the Chaosium CoC, right Raul?"

You say "Paranoia is also really easy. You make characters, and I kill them. *grin*"

<*> OOCly, Djana laughs

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Sounds like a PARTY!"

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "*chuckles* Fun stuff."

Raul wishes he would have kept the characters from New Year's...

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Oookay..."

Elemental arrives from the Gaming Area.

Elemental has arrived.

<*> OOCly, Djana waves

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Hi El!"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Cool. That's four. Time to narrow down the choices even more."

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "I won't be able to play tonight. I have some work that I can't put off no longer. Mind if I lurk for a bit instead?"

Smokin begins sining the Elemental theme, "Big guy in little mech."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Sure."

<*> OOCly, Djana pops in the Braveheart soundtrack.

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "I have a theme now?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Go ahead."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Now you do!"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Themes are fun. :) Be glad, El."

You say "I think I'm mentally prepared to run a Mage or D&D game. What's the vote count between those two?"

<*> OOCly, Djana has 'em both, and has never played D&D

Holly says "Either is good. D&D might be a fun change."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Ready for both, but is leaning towards D&D."

Raul laughs madly. "Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. Give me a vote on which we should play. No abstentions!"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Hey Z, are you on ICQ or MSN?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "I'm on ICQ"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "It looks like D&D is the winner."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Hey, Ty, 1 or 2?"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "What's your number?"

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "1 or 2?"

<*> OOCly, Djana is going to "flip a coin"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "114155207"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "gimme a number, someone. 1 or 2."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "2"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "There is a dice roller here..."

Djana rolls 1d2 and gets: 1 Total: 1

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "D&D is my vote, then"

<*> OOCly, Djana goes off to get the book

<*> OOCly, Djana comes back

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Have a party of Half Fiend/Celestial/Dragon Terrasques!"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "..."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "The WereTarrasque!"

<*> OOCly, Djana may just be a D&D neonate, but still knows that's wrong.

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Yea, ain't it?"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Very"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "^_^"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Sounds good. Let's go with level 5, just to keep chargen short. Other than that, whatever you like."

<*> OOCly, Djana should be fine as long as she doesn't have to look at any spell lists.

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Oh goodies."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Hmmm.. A fighter, a healer and a spell slinger?"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Regular races or can we go with something a little more exotic?"

Juliet has connected.

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "I have a lot of experince as an arcane caster."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "JOHN!"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Hi John!"

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "SO whats the word?"

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Hola John!"

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Sod it, I've got no ideas at the moment for the essay anyway. I'll join in."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Yay!"

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Need to recharge my brain."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Got a 3E D&D book? 5th level. Exotic races are fine, but pay the price for kewl powerz..."

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "WHat is running?"

<*> OOCly, Djana cheers

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Well, yes, in the ECL adjustment."

Holly pages: I think I'll run a wererat =)

Elemental pages: How about psychic characters?

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "What rolling system? 4d6, drop the lowest?"

Sorry, Eustacio is not connected.

No one to page.

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "I prefer point buys. Fairer."

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "So whats the premise for the game?"

No one to page.

Smokin pages: Okay, do you have the regular monsterous manual? Because there's been something in there I've been thinking about tweaking and think I got it down to a workable level.

You paged Elemental with 'Go ahead. I have the Psion handbook.'.

You paged Holly with 'Go ahead.'.

You paged Smokin with 'Yes I do. Go ahead.'.

<*> OOCly, Djana knew she should have read this book more.

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "Z, whats kind of plot idea are we looking at?"

Smokin pages: You know the half-fiend template? What if I exchanged the fire/acid/lightning/cold resistance and all the neat spells for detect thoughts at will and spell resistance 10+level?

You paged Smokin with 'Sure. It's just a one-shot.'.

<*> OOCly, Djana sighs. "Point buys = ? I can only find the 4d6 method."

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "It's in the DMG, I think."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Helpful."

Smokin pages: Thanks Raul! And a 0 level character with the half fiend template would be a level 4 or 3?

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Care to explain?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Still working on the plot in my head, atm. You give me character concepts, and I'll find a way to make the plot fit."

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "I have three. What did everyone else have in mind?"

<*> OOCly, Djana is fine, as long as she doesn't have to read spell lists.

You paged Smokin with 'Half-fiend template adds 3 levels.'.

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "I am not really in the mood for D&D right now. If you gave me a plot I might get inspired."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "What classes everyone?"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "I'd be willing to play a sorcerer if you don't mind."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Optional ability gen - DMG 19"

<*> OOCly, Holly doesn't have DMG

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "I don't, either"

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "I think I'll skip out of this. Laters."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "brb"

Smokin pages: Says here that it's 2 levels or so...

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Essentially, your scores all start at 8 and you add 25 or 32 points to that, depending on what the DM allows. I think."

Juliet has disconnected.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "All stats start at 8. You have 25 points. 1 for 1 up to 14, then more after that. 2 for 15 and 16, 3 for 17 and 18."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Pricey"

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "That was it. I knew I'd forgotten something about it."

You paged Smokin with 'smokin That's CR. DMG 22 has the level costs.'.

Smokin pages: Gotcha.

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Thinking of a Half-fiend sorcerer, how about you guys?"

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Debating.. Maybe a gnome Illusionist.."

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Human Psychic Warrior or an Elf Cleric...."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "back"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "I'm leaning toward and investigation of the theft of a powerful MI. Mix between combat and RP."

<*> OOCly, Djana is practically clueless, due to never having played.

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "We need a tank?"

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "AKA, meat shield."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "It will be okay, Meg. 3rd Ed threw me for a major loop when I started playing, and I was an avid and experienced 2E player. It will be easier without spell lists, though."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "You want me to volunteer to be a meat shield?"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "And I LOATHE spell lists."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Never hurts to have a tank. I'm thinking of a kind of fantasy version of COPS..."

<*> OOCly, Holly nods "A thief, a tank, a healer and a mage? Sound good to everyone?"

<*> OOCly, Djana says tentatively, "Maybe... a monk?"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Alright."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Sounds good."

Elemental rolls 1d2 and gets: 1 Total: 1

<*> OOCly, Djana is confusing herself with the unfamiliar book.

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "brb"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Monks are pretty simple - not as many chargen choices, since they all have certain powers."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "back"

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Okay, then it's a good idea?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "I'd say so."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Okay."

Holly pages: Have the monster manual? What're stat adjustments for Wererats in Crinos?

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "What does everyone else want to do?"

<*> OOCly, Holly is going Wererat Thief/Illusionist

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Still torn between a human psywarrior and an elf cleric...."

<*> OOCly, Djana says, "Woo. Sounds like a party"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Where was the alternate attribute system?"

Holly rolls 3d6 and gets: 6/6/1 Total: 13

You paged Holly with 'plus 6 Dex, +2 Con. Bonus Feats: Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (bite), Weapon Finesse (any)'.

Holly rolls 2d4 and gets: 2/1 Total: 3

Holly rolls 2d4 and gets: 2/1 Total: 3

You say "p 19"

You say "DMG"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "THank you."

You say "Np"

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Standard 25 starting points?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Yep. But don't forget your bonus Attribute point for 4th Level."

Raul has been reading too much Discworld, lately...

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "I'm a half fiend so it seems a bit moot..."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "This is true..."

Elemental rolls 1d2 and gets: 2 Total: 2

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Psychic Warrior it is."

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Which setting are we in?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Default."

Raul doesn't have any of the campaign setting books...

Holly pages: Do I get a normal plus to stats, like a dwarf or elf?

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Geez, getting your stats up to a null modifier really takes things out of you."

<*> OOCly, Holly grimaces and nods

You paged Holly with 'No, only in animal or hybrid form.'.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "It's all starting to come together..."

<*> OOCly, Raul hugs his 2-liter of Mountain Dew.

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "What about srating equipment?"

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

<*> OOCly, Djana will just be boring and make her character human

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "9000 gp worth of equipment and Magic Items. If you don't have the DMG, spend what you like and let me know how much you have left over, and I'll pick appropriate MIs."

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "I suspect a healing item might be in order, given our lack of a cleric."

<*> OOCly, Djana is not using spell lists for love or money

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Healing potions are quite cheap."

Holly pages: 8400 left. What can I buy that's magical?

You paged Holly with 'What did you have in mind, generally? Stat boost, potions, sneaky stuff, weird shit, etc...'.

Holly pages: Sneaky stuff.

You paged Holly with 'Cloak and Boots of Elvenkind, Heward's Handy Haversack, Hat of Disguise, Slippers of Spider Climbing, and Vest of Escape cost 2000 each. Chime of Opening costs 3000. Dust of Disapearance costes 3500. Boots of Levitation are 7500.'.

You paged Holly with 'Cloak and Boots are EACH 2000'.

Holly pages: Vest of Escape?

You paged Holly with 'Contains lockpicks that add +4 competence bonus to Open Lock, and grants a +6 competence bonus to Escape Artist checks.'.

Holly pages: Stats on Cloak and Boots?

You paged Holly with '+10 to Hide and +10 to Move Silently, respectively.'.

Holly pages: I'll take the Cloak and boots, for 4000, Handy sack for 6000, and Vest for 8000.

You paged Holly with 'Ever feel like a gameshow contestant?'.

From afar, Holly snickers

Elemental pages: Damn, I just remembered, I have to be up early tomorrow, so I'll have to pull out. Sorry.

You paged Elemental with 'That sucks. Ah well. I understand completely.'.

Elemental pages: It's 1.30 already over here.

Elemental pages: Thanks for understanding. Tell me how it went on GCP, ok?

You paged Elemental with 'I'll try to keep a log.'.

<*> OOCly, Elemental says, "Sorry, but I'll have to withdraw. I have somewhere to be tomorrow morning (concerning that dissertation) and staying up till 4am or later isn't an option tonight."

Elemental has disconnected.

You paged Djana with 'How's it going, Meg? Any questions or problems?'.

Djana pages: going fine, thanks. I'm probably hopelessly slow, but I'm on skills now...

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Allrighty! Think I'm done for the most part."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Cool."

You paged Holly with 'What's your Alignment and basic premise?'.

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Okay, I"m done."

You paged Smokin with 'What's your Alignment and basic premise?'.

Holly pages: True Neutral. Wererat illusionist thief. Abandoned at a young age, made his way by his wits and theft. He picked up his skills in magic from a side show illusionist, and improved his skills with a few stolen books. Clever survivor type, rather cheery, and a thief from the top his head to the tips of his shoes.

Smokin pages: I'm a chaotic good half-Rakhasta that was raised by my Rakhasta mother to be evil. The only problem was that he viewed what his Mom was doing was good, and took the opposite as evil, of course this got him thrown out of his Mom's kingdom and he eventually shifted his view of good to the standard vision of good.

Smokin pages: Currently he's just searching for a way to make his fortune, gain power and popularity like all good adventurers.

Smokin pages: Would that be a disadvantage Enemy: Mom?

You paged Smokin with 'A motive that gets so many people in trouble, especially when they stumble into the fief of a dragon queen...'.

Smokin pages: True, but he's young (for a fiend) and naive.

Holly rolls 1d20 and gets: 4 Total: 4

Holly rolls 1d20 and gets: 6 Total: 6

Holly rolls 1d20 and gets: 11 Total: 11

<*> OOCly, Djana isn't.

You paged Djana with 'It's okay, Meg. What kind of magic items would you like - weapons, ability boosters, expendable, sneaky stuff, weird shit, etc... ?'.

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 19 Total: 19

Smokin pages: Mostly he would just like to find some place to settle down, study his magic, make an honest living, you know the whole routine...

<*> OOCly, Raul smiles at the dice. "It feels good to be the GM, again."

<*> OOCly, Smokin says, "Ow, I think we're in trouble tonight..."

<*> OOCly, Holly says, "Oh dear.."

<*> OOCly, Raul hasn't even put on his dragon medallion, yet...

<*> OOCly, Arelian says, "What exactly does that do?"

Tabletop Room 3(#1902RAJLMhs$)

A small candle flickers at the high table where the Storyteller sits, his face barely illuminated by the candle. Piles of books have been placed on the far right of the high table, and a large, green binder sits in front of the Storyteller. Two large, lumpy blue sofas sit on each side of a long table, where the players assume the roles of their characters in the World of Darkness. Various dice, character sheets, and empty pizza boxes are scattered about the table. Aside from the candle on the Storyteller's desk, there are four candles spaced evenly down the middle of the table, providing some light to the players. On the walls are various drawings of characters portrayed in the chronicle.





Obvious exits:

Out <O>

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "It's eeeeevil!"

Djana pages: the kind of skills that I've been beefing up are kinda ninja-ish... thinking of being LN and stuff. So... sneaky?

<*> OOCly, Arelian says, "Let me guess, it turns who ever wears it into a Great Wyrm dragon?"

Arelian rolls 1d20 and gets: 15 Total: 15

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "No. It makes whoever puts it on a channel for ultimate evil."

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 6 Total: 6

<*> OOCly, Arelian says, "I really wish you could add mods to your rolls..."

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 15 Total: 15

Aoifei rolls 2d6 and gets: 6/6 Total: 12

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "How ya doing Meggy?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei is toughing it out.

<*> OOCly, Arelian says, "Well you got the hardest part done, picking a name."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Believe it or not... I might play a guy. THIS is the hardest part for me..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Argh. need to do gear"

<*> OOCly, Arelian says, "Anybody else playing a girl?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei -_-;

<*> OOCly, Ivan is male this time

I don't recognize djana.

No one to page.

Arelian rolls 1d2 and gets: 1 Total: 1

You paged Aoifei with 'Okay. Here's a few you might like, and their costs: Dust of Tracelessness - 250. Dust of Illusion - 500. Boots of Elvenkind, Cloak of Elvenkind, Hat of Disguise, and Slippers of Spider Climbing - 2000 each. Glove of Storing - 2200. Rope of Climbing - 3000. Dust of Disappearance - 3500. Cloak of ARachnida - 6000. Robe of Useful Items - 7000. Boots of Levitation - 7000. Boots of Speed - 8000. Potion of Invisibility - 300 each.'.

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 16 Total: 16

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 20 Total: 20

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "You should be scared. These dice are treating me as well as my own dice do..."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Viva le Gender benders!"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Hurrah!"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei is going afk a moment

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "John, how're you doing?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "John decided not to play. =("

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Okay, I now have no idea whose names go with which people... RL names from each of you?"

Tabletop Room 3(#1902RAJLMhs$)

A small candle flickers at the high table where the Storyteller sits, his face barely illuminated by the candle. Piles of books have been placed on the far right of the high table, and a large, green binder sits in front of the Storyteller. Two large, lumpy blue sofas sit on each side of a long table, where the players assume the roles of their characters in the World of Darkness. Various dice, character sheets, and empty pizza boxes are scattered about the table. Aside from the candle on the Storyteller's desk, there are four candles spaced evenly down the middle of the table, providing some light to the players. On the walls are various drawings of characters portrayed in the chronicle.





Obvious exits:

Out <O>

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Oh, I missed that. I saw El, but not John."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Tyson."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Joe."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Aoifei is Megathan, I think."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "That would be logical. Once Meg is ready, we'll start."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Yea!"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Hurrah."

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

<*> OOCly, Telione begins the rite of player summoning.

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 20 Total: 20

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Let's see, that's two 20s, one 19, and a 16... I might want to tone a couple of the encounters down a touch, maybe..."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I hope you're burning all your good rolls now..."

<*> OOCly, Telione lays down a trail of Lays potato chips with a container of French Onion dip, surrounded by cans of Jolt cola.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Remember, we're summoning Megathan..."

<*> OOCly, Raul opens the bottles of Sobe and pours them over the chips.

<*> OOCly, Ivan waves some Colorease pencils around

<*> OOCly, Raul posts a new Flash animation on GCP.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Is someone keeping a log in case my connection pukes?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Yep."

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 4 Total: 4

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "The Rite of Gamer Summoning has drained me of dice karma."

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 12 Total: 12

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 7 Total: 7

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 13 Total: 13

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 14 Total: 14

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 15 Total: 15

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 6 Total: 6

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Your powers are weak, old man."

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 9 Total: 9

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 13 Total: 13

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 15 Total: 15

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 10 Total: 10

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 6 Total: 6

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 9 Total: 9

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 11 Total: 11

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 6 Total: 6

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 19 Total: 19

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 10 Total: 10

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 9 Total: 9

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 13 Total: 13

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Spoke too soon you did..."

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 4 Total: 4

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 9 Total: 9

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 10 Total: 10

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 18 Total: 18

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 15 Total: 15

You say "Bring it on, boyz!"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "I'll swallow your soul!"

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 19 Total: 19

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 19 Total: 19

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 13 Total: 13

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 15 Total: 15

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 20 Total: 20

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 11 Total: 11

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 14 Total: 14

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 10 Total: 10

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 20 Total: 20

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Give up, yet?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Please get here soon Megathan! We're amusing ourselves by rolling dice!"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Sorry, sorry"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Yea!"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei is incredibly sorry

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Yay!"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Are you ready, Meg, or do you have rl distractions, atm"

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 7 Total: 7

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 9 Total: 9

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 14 Total: 14

You last paged Aoifei.

<*> OOCly, Aoifei has rl distractions. "Back to work! Geez, you guys, I'm sorry. :("

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "It's alright."

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 1 Total: 1

<*> OOCly, Aoifei needs to do stuff and HP

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 15 Total: 15

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "But that's it!"

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 15 Total: 15

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 4 Total: 4

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 12 Total: 12

<*> OOCly, Aoifei -_-;

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 14 Total: 14

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Good."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "You gotta train 'em, you know..."

You publicly roll 10d6 and get: 5/2/6/3/1/1/6/4/6/2 Total: 36

<*> OOCly, Ivan twitches

<*> OOCly, Telione bounces up and down ready to get a rolling.

Telione rolls 2d4 and gets: 2/2 Total: 4

<*> OOCly, Aoifei wonders what the hell to do with all this money...

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "What are you, class wise?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Monk"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "You get the list I sent you?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Buy incense?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "And head wax."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei nods. "Yeah! Blow it all on magic stuff!"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Cloak of Arachnia, 6000 Gp."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "You could always go around in your undies and a 9000 gp Monk's Belt..."

Aoifei pages: What do these do? Cloak of ARachnida - 6000. Robe of Useful Items - 7000.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "That'd be a Good Thing. She'd have bullet proof nudity."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei laughs

<*> OOCly, Aoifei ponnders buying 2lbs of soap

<*> OOCly, Aoifei could be a clean freak!

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Gotta get it clean... gotta get it clean..."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "CLoak of reistance, +2 is only 4000"

You paged Aoifei with 'Arachnida - Spider Climb at will, immunity to Web, cast Web 1x per day, move through webs at half your normal speed, +2 luck bonus to Fortitude Saves versus spider poisons. Useful Items - Pull the little patches off the cloak and they turn into real objects - daggers, lanterns, rope, ladders, doors, windows, rowboats, war dogs, mules, and more...'.

From afar, Aoifei likes the latter.

From afar, Aoifei grins

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Gauntlets of Ogre Power, +2 strength for 4000 GP."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Same price for +2 gloves of dexterity."

You paged Aoifei with 'Give me a couple minutes and I'll generate it for you, if that's what you want.'.

You publicly roll 4d4 and get: 1/1/4/3 Total: 9

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

You publicly roll 9d100 and get: 25/71/23/65/35/58/21/19/47 Total: 364

Aoifei pages: yes, okay, good. Other than that, I spent 17gp, 1sp and 2cp. Woo.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Coming along okay Megathan?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei is just trying to figure out how to do the damn HP... I knew I had it somewhere...

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "What ever your starting hit die's max is, + level-1 rolls, +Constitution mod X level."

You paged Aoifei with 'Dagger, bullseye lantern (filled and lit), mirror (2ft x 4ft), 10-foot pole, 50ft rope, sack, 2 iron doors (up to 10ft by 10ft and barred on one side), 2 sets of 10 gems (100gp value each), 24ft wooden ladder, mule with saddle bags, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft open pit, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, and a 12ft long rowboat.'.

You say "Or, more succintly, 4d8 + 8 + five times your Con bonus."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "You won't belive how long it took me to remember the con bonus..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Con bonus = +2"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "So starting off with 18 HP, plus whatever you roll."

Aoifei rolls 4d8 and gets: 8/3/7/5 Total: 23

Raul puts on his dragon medallion.

Aoifei rolls 1d2 and gets: 1 Total: 1

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Does that mean we're ready to go?"

You say "All of you are down on your luck. You can be certain of this because you are currently subjects of Tiamat, the Queen of the Dragonlands, and have just received a summons to her court with her personal seal. You can only hope she means to eat you alive. The only other possibility is she has a small errand for you to run..."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "... Oh dear."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Sounds like fun.:)"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Oh crap..."

Ivan walks to the audience chamber.

Telione slinks along towards where she's supposed to be.

Aoifei steels his nerves and enters.

You say "The Queen's Palace is not exactly a castle, but it doesn't need to be. A huge cavern marks the antechamber where Grand Vizier Clovis is waiting for you. Of course, he's a dragon, too - a Great Wyrm Green, to be exact."

Telione walks up rather nervously, "Er, excuse me sir, but I got this summons you see..."

Ivan stops and bows low, tail twitching slightly "Lord Clovis.. We are here as commanded."

Aoifei watches to see what happens to the others.

You say "He gives you a toothy grin. 'I am happy you were able to make it here on such short notice.' Of course, you all know very well that is bullshit. Those who don't make time for the dragons in the Dragonlands tend to miss many other appointments after an unexcused absence... 'It seems that while her Majesty was surveying her lands yesterday, she misplaced one of her Staffs of the Magi, and we need someone to retrieve it for her.'"

Telione is a fairly tall female, bipedal tiger, wearing a black cloak with purple linging, and a red interior. On her shoulder is a tan and black wild cat, that is currently sleeping.

Telione turns to look at Ivan surpisingly.

Aoifei pales.

You say "'You have permission to use all means at your disposal, yadda yadda yadda. See you tomorrow when you've found it.'"

Ivan is a medium sized (5'6") Wererat, with black fur, and a lengthy tail. He's dressed in dark grey clothing and a cloak of some silky grey substance.

Ivan says "Of course.."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "A cat woman and a rat man. This'll be fun."

Telione says "Um, which region of her devestation was she serveying when she lost said item?"

Ivan says "I presume we'll be allowed to examine the chamber the staff vanished?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "from."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Oh, wait. N/M that."

<*> OOCly, Ivan slaps self "Didn't realize she had it with her.."

Aoifei is a somewhat short, freckley and pale human male. He dresses in orange and red with a large and multicoloured cloak.

You say "He chuckles, sounding a bit like a millstone grinding wheat into flour. 'It wasn't stolen. Her Majesty simply misplaced it. She can be a trifle absent-minded when distracted. She visited the Black Forest, the Lonely Mountain, and the Cairns of Eternal Loss before she noticed she had left it somewhere.' He talks about it as though a well-bred lady of his acquaintance had lost her fan."

You say "'"

You say "'Perhaps some of the local citizens might have found it, but no one has returned it, yet.'"

Aoifei sighs. "At what time tomorrow do you need it by?"

Telione says "Alright, I think we should probably start looking for it, right guys?"

You say "'Well, she has plenty of spares, but this one is in the current fashion, and she would prefer not to be seen with last season's Staff of the Magi at her grand ball tomorrow night. I'm sure you can understand...'"

Aoifei says "yeah, I get it. Let's go."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "How far are these places?"

Telione bows to the Viser quickly, and follows Ivan and the others away.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Not far. They are roughly equi-distant from the palace, maybe two hours on foot."

Ivan bows and leaves

Ivan says "This.. is not going to be fun."

Aoifei pages: liscence to create a name for Aoifei's monastery?

Telione says "You can say that again..."

Ivan says "Which place first?"

Telione says "I'd think the Black Forest. Should be the easiest place to search."

Aoifei doesn't bother to bow. "one place is as bad as the other," he says resignedly.

<*> OOCly, Raul plays the Mission Impossible theme. "Your mission, and you'll accept it or else, is to convince someone to give you back a Staff of the Magi..."

You paged Aoifei with 'Go ahead.'.

Aoifei pages: Excellent. :)

Ivan nods "Allright. It's a long walk, so lets not dwaddle."

Telione heads towards the Black Forest with the others.

Aoifei follows.

Ivan hurries along

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Congo line of death!"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Half fiend, right Joe?"

Telione looks at Ivan strangely along the way, sniffing once in a while, looking away when the wererat sees her out of the side of his eye.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Yep."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Modified."

Ivan snarls slightly "Don't even think it, pussy cat."

Telione says "Think of what?"

You say "You know of several locals who live in the Black Forest - an Ogre Matriarch and her extended family, the Goblin King in Exile and his courtiers, the Hill Giant lumberjack, and you've heard a family of Drow moved into a cottage there not too long ago."

Aoifei has an air of hostility, but is amused at the conflict.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Goldilocks and the three Drow?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Is cooking a craft?"

Ivan says "I'm not food, so you can just put those instincts up."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei has it

Ivan says "Who'll we visit first? The Drow?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Profession: Cook"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei grins

Telione says "Why I would never consiter putting you on a spit, slow roasting you, baisting you in butter, herbs, and garlic until well done."

Aoifei smirks

Ivan grins and licks his lips "How odd. That's my recipe for cat."

Telione says "If you say so, but they all seem to be as bad as the next..."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Who's nearest?"

You publicly roll 1d4 and get: 2 Total: 2

Telione stares at Ivan in shock, holds Tyberius in her arms and growls menacingly.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "The Goblin King."

Ivan chuckles to himself

Ivan says "Lets go shake down the Goblins first. They're nearest."

Telione says "Sounds like a plan."

Aoifei steps in, chuckling under his breath. "Now, now, you two, we need to get things done. We'll be much less effective if one of us is eaten."

Telione says "I agree, truce friend Rat?"

Ivan nods shortly "Of course, of course.."

You say "You arrive at the 'palace' of the Goblin Kingdom in Exile - a rickety building that you would call a shack if the other shacks would not sue you for slander for doing so."

Aoifei smirks. "Lovely place."

Ivan steps forward and knocks on the door, shaking the entire building.

Telione says "BTW, I'm Telione Fengrail, last in a long line of Rakhasta royalty!"

Ivan says "Ivan the Nimble. Thief, murderer and backstabber."

Ivan says "And occaisonal arsonist."

Telione says "Quite an industrious fellow, aren't you Ivan?"

Aoifei says "Aoifei, monk of the Tayjad monestary. And that's all you get."

Telione says "Quite understandable Aoifei."

You say "Two goblins dressed in dirty uniforms stand guard at the leather flap door, their rusty and rotten spears held at the ready like Buckingham Palace guards who don't realize the palace is now an outhouse..."

Ivan walks up to the two "We're here to talk to the king. Get out of the way."

You say "The one on the right speaks in a stuffy voice, 'Do you have an audience with his Majesty?'"

Aoifei rolls his eyes.

Ivan glares at him "We do now."

Telione pages: Detecting thoughts on the two guards.

You say "'His Majesty is under the weather, at the moment. He will have to give you a rain check. His schedule is quite full. How does next month sound?""

Telione says "Please sir, it is a matter of dire importance."

Ivan says "So you want us to go back and tell Her Majesty, the Dread Queen Tiamat, that the King of the Goblins feels that her business isn't as important as his incontinence?"

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

You paged Telione with 'They seem utterly convinced that their duty is to honorably guard the Goblin King until he can raise an army to reconquer his nation from the Deep Dwarves. There is just a tinge of doubt on their pride.'.

Telione says "We only wish a moment with your monarch, then we will be on our way."

You say "'Queen Tiamat?' He gives one of those stuck-up snob laughs. 'You want us to believe Queen Tiamat sent three peasants on her business? Three ugly peasants, at that.' He laughs a little more, just for good measure."

Aoifei says "'Ugly,' says the goblin."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Do we regain Rage for that?"

Aoifei says "The stupid goblin, at that."

Ivan smiles at him "My dear little friend, you apparently fail to understand that, as a wererat, I'm further up the food chain than you are. So let us in, or I will eat you.

Telione says "What if we had some information concering the runts that evicted you so unjustly from your homelands?"

Ivan bares his long, razor sharp teeth

Telione puts a gentle paw on Ivan's shoulder, "Easy friend Ivan, like you said, nobody's eating anyone today."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Gee, I can see cannabilism is going to be a driving factor in THIS game."

You say "He eyes you with disdain. 'I do not think you would get that close, madame. We are Knights of Honor, and perfectly capable with the weapons we carry."

You paged Telione with 'He's bluffing.'.

Aoifei says "I believe _I_ said that, milady."

Aoifei's voice is fairly dripping with sarcasm

Ivan looks to Telione "Apparently, it's either we eat them, or Tiamat eats us. Which do you choose?"

Telione smiles sarcasticly, "Please, lies do not become honorable knights such as yourselves.

Telione says "And there was some definate wisdom in your words Aoifei."

Aoifei says "How reassuring that I am, after all, good for something."

You say "'You dishonor me! Knights of Honor do not lie!' The other one mutters something under his breath."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "How big are these goblins?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "About 4ft tall."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "How sturdy is this shack?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "...And they blew the shack down!"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "A stiff breeze could probably knock it over."

Ivan says "So. Under no circumpstances are you letting us through *that* door?"

You say "'Not without an appointment, and not when his Majesty is under the weather.'"

Aoifei smirks.

Ivan says "Well, I guess we won't use *that* door, then."

Telione pages: The king is really sick?

Ivan says "We'll use the other one."

Ivan walks around the side of the shack and kicks a new door.

You paged Telione with 'He has a headache...'.

Aoifei follows Ivan, chuckling under his breath

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Give me a Strength check, 15."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Dif 15, I mean..."

Telione shrugs at the goblins and says, "Your loss..." Then follows the others.

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 6 Total: 6

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Nope.."

Ivan kicks it, shaking the building.

Ivan kicks it again

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 8 Total: 8

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "And again"

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 14 Total: 14

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Got it, with my mod!"

Aoifei watches the "show of strength," amused.

You say "There is the sound of something falling inside, and someone swears loudly in Goblin as the building collapses like a house of cards."

Aoifei claps. "Brava."

Ivan snickers "That was fun."

Ivan turns to the guards "I'm sorry. I appear to have broken your house."

You say "A largish goblin emerges from the rubble. 'What is the meaning of this? What villains have besieged my castle?""

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Home-wrecker!"

Aoifei bows. "One villian, at your service."

Ivan says "That would be us."

You say "'Do you care to explain yourself before I have my soldiers place your head on a pike?'"

Telione says "Oh good evening your highness, we came to ask you if you've seen a long stick, with iron bits in it, and weird gibberish all over it?"

Ivan says "Your goons wouldn't let us in. So I had to do something drastic. Her Majesty, Tiamat, has sent us."

You say "He ponders this for a moment. Long stick? You mean one of Tiamat's Staffs of the Magi?"

Telione smiles in a slightly condecending manner.

Ivan nods

Aoifei says "Some would call it that, yes."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "So detecting the hell out of this guy's thoughts."

You say "Did her Majesty misplace one? No, I haven't seen it, but I'll let you know if one of my subjects finds it."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "brb"

You paged Telione with 'He's pondering what he could do with a Staff of the Magi, but he doesn't know where it is.'.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Roll something to see if he's lying?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Sense Motive, contested roll."

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 17 Total: 17

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 17 Total: 17

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "What stat is that linked to?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Wisdom"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "back"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "No mod."

You paged Ivan with 'He doesn't seem to be lying.'.

Ivan nods "See that you do. Thank you for your time."

Ivan turns, hesitates, then reaches into his pouch and scatters a largish handful of gold "And buy yourselves a real house."

Ivan marches off

You say "The goblin king gives a dignified sniff as you walk away."

Telione bows to the goblin king, giving him a strange, mischievous look as she walks off.

Aoifei follows, smirk firmly in place. "How philanthropic of you, ser thief."

Ivan says "I'm rather hoping they kill themselves fighting over it."

Telione says "But it's the thought that counts."

Telione says "So who are we going to check next?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Any sounds a fistfight behind us?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Nope."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Dang."

Telione says "The drow?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Who's closest?"

You publicly roll 1d3 and get: 1 Total: 1

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "The Drow."

Ivan nods "The drow are closest, so that'd be best."

Ivan follows the yellow brick road.

Telione follows Ivan.

Aoifei goes along, still smirking

You say "You come to a cheerful little cottage in a clearing in the middle of the woods. The windows are all shuttered, but there is smoke coming from the chimney."

Ivan knocks, politely.

Aoifei stands back.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Everyone give me a Listen check, dif 18."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Drow? Cheerful cottage? Huh?"

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 2 Total: 2

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 4 Total: 4

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "12, so nope."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "That's an 11..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "OOH! THis is where I roll dice, right?"

Ivan says "This is the right place, isn't it?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Yup."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei wears the newbie badge proudly

Aoifei rolls 1d20 and gets: 14 Total: 14

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Anyone else have the feeling we've wondered into a bizarre damn faerie tale?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Just roll a d20 and add what you have under your skill to it."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I think we're just in something bizzare."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "So 18."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "You go Megs!"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei takes a bow

You paged Aoifei with 'You hear a scuffle inside as papers being hastily shuffled. Then you hear a click.'.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Since we're official bitches, we do have a uniform type thingy, right?"

You say "A polite female voice calls from inside. 'Who is it?'"

Aoifei steps out of blast range.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "If you want one..."

Ivan says "We're here on the business of her Draconic Majesty, Queen Tiamat."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Yes! I have a badge!"

You say "She relays this information to someone else inside. Give me a Listen, dif 13."

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 6 Total: 6

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I think we're henchmen, we aren't good enough for lackey."

Aoifei rolls 1d20 and gets: 2 Total: 2

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "14."

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 9 Total: 9

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "18"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Damn. No way."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "I am Officer of Her Majesty's Will. I AM THE LAW!"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei takes the badge away from Ty before he hurts himself.

You paged (Telione, Ivan): You hear someone mutter, 'Shit, the Feds!' Then there is a scraping of metal on metal.

You say "Everyone hears a loud scrape as something heavy is pushed against the door."

Telione says "Mam, we only wish to ask you about a staff that went missing later yesterday."

Telione pages: Probing for thoughts.

<*> OOCly, Ivan pulls out his extra and polishes it

Ivan says "Yes. We only desire to know if you've seen her Majesty's Staff of the Magi that she misplaced yesterday. Other than that, we don't give a damn about you."

You paged Telione with 'Roll d20 and add 5 (Spell Resistance)'.

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 11 Total: 11

You say "There is no response for a long while as voices mutter in obvious argument. At last, the woman calls, 'Staff of the Magi? We don't know anything about her Majesty's Staff of the Magi.'"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Another 18"

Ivan says "Are you sure?"

Aoifei is staying away from that door

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 14 Total: 14

You paged Telione with 'Something is blocking your magic...'.

You say "Another debate. 'Um, yes. Positive.'"

Ivan says "Then you wouldn't mind if we came in and had a look around."

You say "Another argument. 'Actually, we're kind of busy today. Could you come back tomorrow. We're, um...' The voice blurs back into discussion for a moment. 'We're in the middle of an orgasm.' A few harsh words. 'I mean, an orgy.'"

Aoifei smirks

Ivan fights the urge to laugh for a moment, but manages to surpress it.

Telione frowns a bit and speaks in Elven, You do not need to fear us, we respect your desicion to live here along with the other, although less scrupulous, people of the forest.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Damn, thing not suporting brackets."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Oh dear.."

You say "'Um, we have no reason to fear, since we're good, upright citizens who just emigrated here a short while ago. But we are shy because the sun is out. You're welcome to come inside and have a look around, as long as you don't mind our precautions against unnecessary sunlight..."

Ivan says "Of course.. Thank you for assisting us in our inquiries."

Telione says ""(You are most generous, thank you.)""

Aoifei is going to wait until the others have gone in.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "The thief and the blaster go inside, while the Tank remains outside? What is this?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "The tank is paranoid."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei beams

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "And you're the only one without damage resistance.."

Ivan says "So, will you remove the dresser from blocking the door, and let us in?"

You say "There is another scrape of the large, heavy object being moved away from the door. The scrape continues for a little while longer, and then there is a large thump as though a heavy table just fell over. The latch of the door clicks. 'Um, it's open. You can come in, now.'"

Ivan says "Thank you.."

Ivan opens the door and lets it swing inwards.

Aoifei watches

Telione enters the house, looking for the lady of it.

Ivan follows

You say "It's dark inside. I mean REALLY dark. It's like staring at a black hole on a dark night."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Thank God for Darkvision!"

<*> OOCly, Ivan agrees

<*> OOCly, Ivan )

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Not even Darkvision is penetrating this..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei is fine without it..

You publicly roll 4d20 and get: 6/11/7/7 Total: 31

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Ivan and Telione, give me ACs..."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "16."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "18"

You say "You both hear the snap of bowstrings a moment before an arrow pierces Ivan's shoulder."

You publicly roll 1d8 and get: 2 Total: 2

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Yay for damage resistance."

You paged Ivan with 'Take 4.'.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Init?"

Ivan pages: Unless it's magic or silver, I can ignore it.

You paged Ivan with 'And give me a Fort Save, dif 17.'.

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 12 Total: 12

You paged Ivan with '+1 arrow enough?'.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "15.."

Ivan pages: Yup.

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 11 Total: 11

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "17"

You say "There is a thump as Ivan collapses onto the floor."

Ivan pages: 15 on the fort save.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Dang."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Initiative."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "See above."

You publicly roll 4d20 and get: 7/10/13/17 Total: 47

Eustacio has connected.

Aoifei rolls 2d10 and gets: 9/10 Total: 19

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Wait a second.."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "ooops"

Aoifei rolls 1d20 and gets: 17 Total: 17

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "18, if I'm right."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "16.. still not enough.. don't wererats get a bonus to that?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei waves to Eus

<*> OOCly, Ivan shrugs

<*> OOCly, Eustacio makes a cameo, though he's still sick. *waves*

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Hi Eus."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I Eust!"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I hope you start feeling better soon."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei agrees

<*> OOCly, Aoifei is playing D&D. The HUMANITY.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Nope. Aoifei, go."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei = Megs

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Don't you mean the 'Banality'?"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio should be better tomorrow. "Little I get lasts more than 24 hours. If it does, that usually means I've got to go to the doctor. And Joe, you still have your Muriyato Desc..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Oh, geez. Need to do something."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Oh, How do I change it?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "@desc me ="

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "@desc me = New Desc"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Um... can you delay your action in D&D?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Yes."

Eustacio has disconnected.

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Okay. Doing so. Hourah for Apathetic Boy!"

Aoifei watches and waits.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Thing #4's turn."

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 7 Total: 7

You say "An arrow whistles past Telione's ear."

You say "Telione's turn."

Telione gathers the arcane energy around her, and casts it into the room, "Light!"

You say "There is a brief spark in your hand, which immediately disappears in the prevading gloom."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "It doesn't lighten at all? Oh dear."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Shouldn't light nullify darkness? I'm pretty sure it says that somewhere. It should still be dark, but a normal dark."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "3rd Ed, Darkness is level 2 and counters any light spell of lower level without effect. Other Drow (Meg, jump in whenever you like)."

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 18 Total: 18

You say "An arrow hits Telione in the thigh. (+1 arrow)"

You publicly roll 1d8 and get: 5 Total: 5

You say "Six damage and give me a Fort Save, DC 17."

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 9 Total: 9

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 20 Total: 20

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 7 Total: 7

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Nope."

You say "Telione drops to the floor."

You say "Another arrow hits her, but doesn't have any effect."

Aoifei pages: Going in to drag their sorry asses out of range. (wasn't sure if I should page this or not.)

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "CR 4 encounter, and they're getting torn apart... *sigh*"

You say "Aoifei, give me a Strength check, DC 15."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I know... If I could see the #*"

Aoifei rolls 1d20 and gets: 20 Total: 20

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "If it wasn't for the sleep darts.."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "22, methinks."

You say "You manage to drag them outside before the Drow can fire another volley."

<*> OOCly, Ivan cheers

Aoifei stops and listens for sounds of persuit.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Is this a wooden house?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Thank you Megs."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Yay for Megs!"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei takes a bow.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "The house is a stone cottage, quite a pretty little thing. Even has a whitewashed picket fence around the garden."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Thatch roofing?"

You say "There is no sound of pursuit, yet, but plenty of arguing."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Yes."

Aoifei pages: Now, how do I work the thingy...

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Do we wake up?"

You paged Aoifei with 'Thingy?'.

Aoifei pages: Cloak

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Both of you unconscious people, give me another Fort Save, DC 17"

Aoifei pages: Just pull off a patch? do I know what that patch is ahead of time?

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 15 Total: 15

You paged Aoifei with 'Yes.'.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Close, 16."

Aoifei pages: Okay

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 13 Total: 13

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "17. Got it"

Aoifei hides the two stooges in the bush.

Ivan groans and stirs "What the hell happened?"

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

You say "Ivan wakes up. He looks groggy and light-headed, but otherwise healthy."

You publicly roll 2d4 and get: 4/3 Total: 7

Aoifei says "You got hit with an arrow, probably drugged."

Telione 's familiar meows worriedly, nudgging his mistress' head.

Aoifei says "What do you want to do now? They're not following, yet."

Ivan says "We give them one last chance, then we barricade the doors and windows from the outside and light their roof on fire."

Ivan reaches over and gives Telione a good shake

Aoifei snorts. "Sounds like a plan."

You say "A few minutes later, Telione stirs."

Ivan says "What was the snort for?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Should have been 7 HOURS, but I'm a nice DM tonight..."

Aoifei says dismissively, "Nothing."

You say "The arguing in the cottage seems to have died down, for the moment..."

Telione gets up a little groggy, "Well that was rather rude.

Ivan says "Yes, it was, wasn't it?"

Telione takes out a small potion and kicks back the contents.

Telione rolls 1d8 and gets: 6 Total: 6

Aoifei sits back on his heels, smirking. "have a nice nap, milady?"

Telione says "No, and I couldn't tell if the Drow were lying when they said they didn't have the staff..."

Ivan nods "Good. I have just the idea, then."

Telione says "What?"

Ivan says "We give them one last chance to come out, one at a time without weapons and hands in the air, then we barricade the doors and windows from the outside and light their roof on fire."

Aoifei says "good plan."

Telione says "I don't know, little harsh, but I guess we don't have any choice, do we?"

Ivan says "Thatch burns good."

Ivan says "Not unless we want a tour of Tiamat's lower intestine."

Telione says "You have a point."

Ivan stands up and approaches the edge of the clearing "Drow! Come out, one at a time, without weapons and with your hands in the air, or we'll set your roof on fire and burn you out!

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Everyone give me a Spot check, dif 20."

Telione pages: Concentrating like hell at the Drow inside the house.

Aoifei says wryly, "don't you mean '_and_ we'll set your roof on fire...?"

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 8 Total: 8

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Nope."

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 9 Total: 9

Aoifei rolls 1d20 and gets: 14 Total: 14

You paged Telione with 'You don't detect any Drow in the house.'.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Nope."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "nope"

You say "There is no response."

Ivan says "I don't like this.."

Telione looks a little confused, "The Drow are gone!"

Ivan says "They're gone? Where?"

Ivan scans the area around them

Telione says "I don't know, they're not in the house, I can't even feel the void where they were supposed to be."

You say "You see nothing but the black butterflies and hear nothing but the chirps of sated stirges."

Ivan frowns "Right. We'll have to go in then.

Aoifei says "Is it still dark like that?"

You say "Yep."

Ivan mutters a few words and looks around the area

Ivan pages: Detect magic.

You say "But the darkness is starting to fade."

You paged Ivan with 'You detect a little magic coming from inside the cottage, but nothing outside of it that is not on the party's person.'.

Telione takes out a copper piece and casts light on it, then hands it to Aoifei, "You might need this."

Ivan approaches the building and peaks in

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Peeks, even"

Aoifei accepts it with a nod.

Telione says "See anything Ivan?"

You paged Ivan with 'The interior is in a shambles. The kitchen table is lying on its side for cover, there is a trapdoor in the floor hanging open, and papers scattered around the room. The shutter of the window at the back of the cottage is swinging open and closed in the wind.'.

Ivan steps inside "Nothing."

Ivan picks up some papers, looks them over, then peers into the trapdoor

(New BB message (17/23) posted to 'OtherMU* Advertisements' by Edmond Dantes: Victorian Nights)

You paged Ivan with 'The papers appear to be letters. (do you speak Elven?)'.

Ivan pages: Yes.

Telione follows Ivan in, looking around cautiously.

Aoifei waits outside the door for a couple of minutes

You say "The trapdoor leads to a metal lockbox, which is now open and empty. The letters are addressed to 'Darling Thralls' and signed by 'Undersecretary of External Security'."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "And what topics do they cover?"

Aoifei cautiously enters

You say "Questions about 'lightlander' alloys, spices, spells, and other items."

Telione begins to search the house.

Ivan frowns "Do we bother following them? It seems they were just spies. It might be a waste of time."

Aoifei examines the lockbox.

Ivan joins her in the search

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Roll search?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Sure."

Aoifei says "I wonder what was in here..."

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 2 Total: 2

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "10.."

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 3 Total: 3

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Cursed dice..."

Telione says "Probably whatever they used to leave this place."

Telione says "An emergency escape route."

Ivan points at the open back window

You say "You don't find anything of interest."

Ivan says "Or they just used that."

Ivan rights a chair and sits

Aoifei glances at the lockbox suspiciously again

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "The villain never escapes through the open window of a rustic cottage..."

Telione says "So, do we go to the hill giant lumberjack next? I think he would be easier to deal with than the ogres."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Drow HAVING a rustic cottage is wrong enough."

Ivan says "Yes, lets go."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "They didn't want to seem suspicious..."

Ivan stands and heads to Mr. Lumberjack's place.

Telione follows Ivan.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Drow IN a rustic cottage is suspicious."

Aoifei goes along, deep in thought

You say "You eventually find the hill giant's trail of downed trees and massive footprints. After about an hour, you hear someone bellow 'Timber!'."

Telione takes several steps backwards, advising the others to do so also.

Aoifei scans the area for falling trees

You say "Give me a Spot check, everyone, DC 5."

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 6 Total: 6

Aoifei rolls 1d20 and gets: 19 Total: 19

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Yes."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "I think so"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "You're on fire tonight Megs!"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "What a waste of a 19..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "I know. :("

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 14 Total: 14

You say "You astutely notice that the sequoia is falling the other direction. You see a hill giant dressed in a red, plaid flannel with a huge timber axe on his shoulder."

Telione goes over to the hill giant, "Excuse me good sir, but may we ask you a question?

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "High Charisma girl in front!"

You say "He looks down at you, squints, and nods stupidly."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "He'll get a wonderful cleavege shot from that height."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Charming, as always"

Telione says "Have you seen a stick about this high, with iron on each end, and with weird markings all over it?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Detecting thoughts as usual."

Telione smiles nicely at the hill giant.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "He closes his eyes and scrunches his face in thought for a moment. Then he nods stupidly."

Telione says "Could you please tell us where it is?"

You paged Telione with ''Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, never talk to strangers, breathe in, breathe out...''.

You say "He shakes his head stupidly."

Ivan says "Where did you see it?"

Telione says "Could you guide us to it?"

You say "He shakes his head stupidly."

Telione says "Oh, how stupid of me, I'm Telione Fengrail, pleased to meet you."

Aoifei stands back and watches them work

You say "He stares at Telione very hard for a moment. 'Paul Bunyan.'"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei grins

You say "'Tell your friends I can't talk to them because my mother said never to talk to strangers because they might kidnap me.'"

Telione says "Hello Paul, you can't lead us to where the stick is because it's in the possesion of someone else?"

Telione says "Alright."

Telione relays the message to the others.

Aoifei snorts

You say "'Dragon Queen has it.'"

Telione says "Yes, but you haven't seen another one around here, have you?"

You say "'Just the one Dragon Queen had when she visited Ms. Ogress yesterday.'"

Telione says "Alright, thank you very much Paul for all your help. That's what we wanted to know."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Finally, a witness we didn't have to rough up."

You say "'You're welcome, Telione.'"

Telione waves to Paul as she begins to walk away, a wide smile on her face, "Keep up the good work!"

Ivan waves and follows

Aoifei stalks off after them, smirking

Telione heads off towards the Ogress's camp.

Telione says "I sure hope this is it..."

Ivan says "So do I."

You say "Camp? The Ogress Matron lives in a modest stone castle at the heart of the Black Forest. The gate is closed."

Ivan walks up and knocks.

Aoifei hangs back

Telione says "Quite a nice set up she has herself..."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "You just sit in the back and smirk! That's all you do!"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Yeah, pretty much"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "That and save our ass..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "and haul your asses out of the line of fire"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei :)

You say "A slot opens and a pair of large eyes look out at you. Then the slot closes and you hear a deep voice call out, 'Who ordered dinner and didn't tell me?'"

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

Ivan says "We're not dinner. We're on a mission from her Majesty, Queen Tiamat."

Telione eyes narrow, and her fur begins to ruffle, a tad peeved.

You say "Another voice answers, but the sound is muffled (unless you succeed a Listen check, DC 23)."

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 6 Total: 6

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 18 Total: 18

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Got it."

Aoifei rolls 1d20 and gets: 14 Total: 14

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "25"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Nope"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "15"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei wishes for WP...

You paged Ivan with 'It's another male voice, 'I don't know. I thought Grandma was cooking a roast tonight?''.

<*> OOCly, Ivan wishes for Forces/Prime.

<*> OOCly, Aoifei wishes for Pyretics 1

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Creo Ignem would be good."

<*> OOCly, Telione wishes for an Houkeen.

Ivan says "Hey!"

You say "The eye slot opens again. 'On the Queen's business? Come in. Come in. What can we do for you?'"

Ivan says "Thank you."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Scanning for tretchery."

You paged Telione with 'This ogre is hungry and is thinking about how good that roast brass dragon is going to taste tonight...''.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "God, I love Detect thoughts at will. ^_^"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Yay!"

Telione says "Thank you."

Telione walks inside.

Ivan follows

You say "The gate opens into a courtyard. A dozen or so ogre children are playing Pin the Ears on the High Elf. It's really quite amazing you didn't hear his screams earlier."

Aoifei follows

Ivan sniggers

Aoifei smirks

Ivan says "Her Majesty misplaced a valuable staff yesterday."

Telione looks a little discuragingly at the children's play.

You say "'Oh really? Grandma would be interested in that news. She's in the kitchen, but I don't think she'll mind the company as long as you stay out of the way of her cooking."

Aoifei makes a mental note to stay out of Grandma's way

Telione says "Don't worry, we'll try to stay away from her culinary preperation."

Ivan says "Of course.. If you would be so kind as to guide us to the kitchen?"

Telione pages: Scanning for anything else in our guide's mind.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "I'm a wererat! I'm a filthy creature! I'm not fit for eating! Eat the other two!"

You say "The ogre leads you inside and through corridors that smell of rotten flesh, which they ought to, since these ogres have discovered a way to use blood to make good mortar."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Well I wouldn't say that..."

(New BB message (9/16) posted to 'Gaming' by KiliaFae: Gaming TT style)

Telione puts her cape over her sensitive nose.

You say "At last, you must be nearing the kitchen. The piles of scales are your first hint, followed shortly there after by the smell of roasting dragon meat. The Ogress Maton is wearing an apron and is currently directing the younger girl ogres as they turn the spit, chop the eyeballs, etc... Her face is blue."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Ogre magi? =("

Telione politely waits to be introduced.

Aoifei says "Smells delicious."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I think she's yelling until she's blue in the face..."

You say "'Grandma, these three would like to talk to you. They say Queen Tiamat sent them.' 'Queen Tiamat? Why, she just visited me yesterday.' She wipes her hands on the blood-stained apron."

Telione says "Yes, and she lost something quite important yesterday and was wondering if you seen it. It's a Staff of the Magi."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I think you know the drill Raul..."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "^_^"

You say "'Oh really? Well, she had it when she left here...'"

Ivan says "Do you know where she went after she left?"

Telione pages: She isn't lying, right?

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 4 Total: 4

You paged Telione with 'She doesn't seem to be lying.'.

You say "'Well, her Majesty doesn't tell anyone where she is going to visit, you know. There would be mobs of happy peasants wherever she went, if she did that."

Aoifei snorts but says nothing

Telione says "Yes... Well do you know which direction she headed after visiting you?"

You say "'The life of a Queen is so hard. All those fans. They positively drive her up a wall, sometimes.'"

You say "'No, but I didn't exactly watch her leave. You don't spy on the Queen of the Dragons, honey!'"

Ivan says "Uh hu.. Well. Thank you for your time, Ma'am."

You say "'You're welcome, honey. Have a nice day.'"

Telione says "Alright, that's all we needed, sorry for taking up your time Miss. Good day."

Telione follows Ivan out.

Aoifei follows them both

You say "The kids finally got it right. The elf's ears are now properly nailed to its head, and his body is limp against the wooden post."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "wb"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Where to, now?"

Telione says "Which is closer, the Lonely Mountain, or the Cairn of Loss? If they're both equally far off, I say the Cairn."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Equally far."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "The Cairn sound good to you?"

Aoifei says "Any reason?"

Ivan says "Lets go then."

Telione says "The Loneyl Moutian probably has less people to ask on it than the Cairn."

Aoifei shrugs. "sure."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Of course, it'll be at the Lonely Mountain.."

Ivan travels to the Cairn

Aoifei follows

Telione mutters as they get a mile or two distance between them and the ogres about how one day she'll have a kingdom of her own, and evict all ogres there, or at least send them to finishing school as she walks along.

You say "You know of two notable communities at the Cairns of Eternal Loss. The first is a group of six trollish merchants who live under a bridge in the river nearby. The second is a Necromancer named Susan Banthony who lives on the Cairn with her friends."

Ivan says "Shall we try the Necromancer first?"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "We even have the Three Billy Goats Gruff..."

Telione says "Sounds good to me."

Aoifei shrugs

Ivan goes looking for the Necromancer.

Telione follows Ivan.

Aoifei tags along

You say "You arrive at the Cairns, though it looks more like a small city built on top of a thousand mass graves. There is a slightly larger house a the center, and many shapes moving around the 'town'."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Ivan, Pied Piper of the Dragonlands.."

Ivan squares his shoulders and heads in

Telione goes in, trying her best to avoid the unnameable horrors shuffling about this place.

You say "The streets are filled with thousands of zombies, skeletons, ghouls, ghosts, and undead of all types that can walk during the day."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Do they notice us?"

Aoifei mutters something about rotting things under his breath and follows the other two.

You say "They seem to look at you like a pirate ship arriving in the harbor of a major trade center, still flying the Jolly Roger."

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

Ivan stands straight and tall and heads in, like there was nothing wrong.

Telione mutters, "Going to have to do the same thing as with the ogres..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "I did buy the 2lbs of soap, btw. :)"

Telione walks proudly up to the main manor house.

You say "After a while, you arrive at the Necromancer's house."

Ivan knocks on the door.

Juliet has connected.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I got 5 charges that could be used for clean spells."

Aoifei hangs back, as always

You say "An old woman's voice answers, 'Come in.'"

Ivan opens the door and steps inside

Telione follows Ivan inside.

Aoifei stays in the doorway

Telione says "Do you sure you want to stay out there with the walking dead Aoifei?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Hullo John"

Aoifei says "They're just a little dirty, milady."

You say "Once you pass beyond the foyer, a vampire dressed as a butler approaches you. 'Goot eefenink. Can I take your coats?'"

Aoifei has a little problem with sarcasm

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "Just thought I would lurk about."

Telione says "No thank you my good man, I wouldn't want you to strain yourself on my acount."

You say "The vampire stares angrily at Telione. 'Now, there is no need to cop an attitude like that! The dead are people, too. They deserve the same rights as the living.'"

Telione looks a little hurt, her ears droop down a bit in shame, "I'm sorry sir..."

You say "The old woman's voice fills the room. 'There there, Thomas. You know how the living can be. It will take time to convince those in power to stop segregating the dead from the living. They never quite understand until they're dead, and then the other living won't listen to them, either. Now, what brings you to our happy community?'"

Telione says "Please forgive me. All we wish to do is ask Susan a quick question and then we'll be off."

Telione says "So Miss Bathory, you took in all of these people when they had no where else to go after they were raised?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Testing."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Tyson, Megs, you out there?"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei is here

You say "'After they were raised?' She chuckles. 'No one would EVER have listened to them if I hadn't animated them all. I have dedicated my life to convincing people they shouldn't simply throw their loved ones out of families and clubs just because they happen to have died. The dead want to be included in their old social groups, after all."

<*> OOCly, Ivan is here

Ivan says "I see.. Interesting concept."

Aoifei says "Post-mortem rights. Perfectly sensible."

You say "'I say give great great great grandpa a seat at the table for Christmas just the same as the Tom Jones III. It's only fair.'"

Telione says "A very admirable cause Madam, but I'm afraid we have a bit of business to conduct. We are looking for a Staff of the Magi that Queen Tiamat lost while visiting your land. Have you seen it?"

You say "'She misplaced it? Oh dear. Well, I wish I could help you, but I chose Divination as my prohibited school.' She winks knowingly."

Telione pages: She's telling the truth right?

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 4 Total: 4

Ivan says "Ah. Well, thank you for your time, ma'am"

You paged Telione with 'Sure she is...'.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "This isn't so much an adventure as an NPC freak show..."

Telione nods, "I understand Miss. We'll just have to keep searching. Thank you for your time."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Yep. :)"

You say "'You're welcome, dears.'"

Telione says "Waves goodbye and leaves the city, going towards the troll merchants."

Ivan follows

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Ach, pose..."

Aoifei throws a look over his shoulder and follows.

You say "The troll bridge is quite large, wide enough for six carts to cross at the same time - the very mark of well-to-do trolls."

Telione says "I don't know why people are always saying bad thing about Necromancers, she seemed like a nice enough lady."

Ivan nods

Telione looks around for any signs of the trolls.

You say "No signs of any trolls."

Ivan looks under the bridge

Aoifei stands back and watches

Telione concentrates, trying to locate the trolls by their thoughts.

You say "You see several forms wandering around on a sandbar under the bridge. One of them notices you and swims out to you."

Ivan waits for the troll to pop up

You paged Telione with 'It doesn't work that way. You have to be looking for a specific target...'.

Telione pages: Okay, trying to see what this person coming up to us is thinking.

You say "'Give me all your gold and valuables and my friends and I might let you go,' he says."

You say "He says it politely, though..."

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 6 Total: 6

Ivan shows his badge "Sorry friend, but we're on a mission from her Majesty, Queen Tiamat."

Aoifei says "How diplomatic."

Ivan says "So, I'm afraid that unless you want to piss off the scary dragon lady, you refrain from demanding our stuff."

Telione snickers a bit, "Oh, I"m sorry about that."

You paged Telione with 'He's hoping you resist. It's been a while since he's had a cat and rat soufle.'.

From afar, Aoifei is waiting for a chance to use those doors...

You say "'A mission from the Queen? You?' He cracks his knuckles."

Al Ray arrives from the Gaming Area.

Al Ray has arrived.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Morning, Al."

<*> OOCly, Al Ray waves

<*> OOCly, Aoifei waves

Ivan says "Yup."

Telione says "Why don't you be a good boy and just tell us if you've seen a fine wooden staff, with iron ends, covered with strange writing on it, and we'll go about our way, and nobody will be hurt."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Howdy"

<*> OOCly, Al Ray says, "Morging, hows it going>"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Hello Al"

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "Welcome. See you decided lurking was fun for this."

<*> OOCly, Ivan has his badge!

You say "'How about you strip off all your worldly possessions and give them to me. That's the only way everyone will walk away without getting hurt.'"

Aoifei says "What charming gentlemen."

Telione pages: He hasn't seen the staff has he?

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "How did you THINK troll merchants made a living? Selling things?"

Aoifei says "Although WHY the'd want to see the wererat naked is beyond me..."

You paged Telione with 'There is no twinge of recognition, only a desire for cash and maybe a little mincehuman pie on the side.'.

Ivan says "I'm afraid we're not going to be able to do that.."

You say "'Suit yourself.' He waves to the other five trolls, who begin swimming toward you."

Ivan pages: I subvocalive the words for a silent image spell, putting an indistinct image of a dragon in flight up in the sky.

Ivan turns and points up "You might wanna take a look at that, first."

Telione steps in front of Ivan, and motions for him to step back. "Are you sure about this? It's your last chance..." Gives him a catty smile.

Aoifei gets out the sickle.

You say "He glances up, looks startled, and blubbers, 'The Kobolds have it!' Then he dives into the river and swims away."

Ivan grins "Oh goody!"

Telione says "Thank you."

Aoifei puts it away. "That was suprisingly painless."

<*> OOCly, Al Ray says, "Is Telione NPC or PC?"

Telione looks up just out of couriosity.

You say "The kobolds live in an earthen mound at the foot of the mountains."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Pc."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "PC."

<*> OOCly, Al Ray says, "Whom?"

Ivan says "Shall we go then?"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Joe."

Telione says "Yes, we shall."

Aoifei nods.

<*> OOCly, Al Ray says, "Ah, great describtion."

Ivan starts towards the Kobold pits

Telione says "And I was almost ready to let them have it with my Flaming Paws..."

You say "The Kobold mound vaguely resembles and low anthill, except the entrances are on the side, not on the top."

Telione says "Ivan, how did you make them tell us?"

Ivan says "Oh, just an illusion of a flying dragon."

Ivan says "Nice little trick I picked up awhile back."

Aoifei says "Nice, indeed."

Telione says "I should pick that spell up one of these days."

You say "The hole, by the way, is only two feet by two feet."

Telione goes over to main entrance and knocks on the side of the hill.

You say "A tiny voice shouts back, 'Go away, or we'll drop your ass with a fireball!'"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Not those kobolds!"

Aoifei looks at Telione

Ivan says "We're on a mission from Queen Tiamat, and unless you want a visit from the scary dragon lady, you'll work with us!"

Ivan steps out of direct LoF

You say "'We don't know anything about a Staff of the Magi. Now go away before we turn your skulls into glass with a lightning bolt!'"

Telione steps away a bit.

Aoifei says "Did you mention a Staff of the Magi, Ivan?"

Telione pages: Does he really know how to cast spells and does he know something about the staff?

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 2 Total: 2

Ivan says "You're horribly liars. Give up the staff, and Queen Tiamat won't be forced to rip open your home like an ant hill and cleanse it with waves of searing flame!"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Bluff roll?"

You paged Telione with 'He's just taking his orders from someone else, but he has complete confidence in his leader's powers.'.

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Sure. Contested."

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 19 Total: 19

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "I'm spending a will."

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 10 Total: 10

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Hah! 19, with modifies"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Modifiers."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Whatever."

Telione says "Lighting bolts and fireballs, two tradional spells put into a Staff of the Magis..."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "It's late."

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "19 withOUT modifiers..."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Oh dear.."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Can I spend will?"

You say "'And do you think those spells put THEMSELVES into the staff, hmm? Any sorcerer can cast those spells!'"

Telione says "We know you got it so why don't you just give up?"

Telione says coldly, "Yes, I know all too well."

You say "'Because this hill is completely Dragonproof. We got an artifact wot says so!;"

Aoifei wonders idly why his companions are trusting those trolls.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Because they were frightened?"

Telione says "Really? A big crystal orb with fire inside?"

You say "'If you want to crawl inside here, we can show you some of the other spells we can cast! What's wrong? Are you chicken? Bahk bahk bahk!'"

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "The kobolds are taunting you. Don't you feel awful?"

Aoifei glances at Ivan

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "And theres nothing we can do about."

Ivan says "What?"

Aoifei smirks. "Nothing."

Telione says "No, we just don't want to be any closer to your repugnance."

You say "He sniffs. 'That's what I thought. Pussies!'"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "We know if there're any other entrances?"

Telione kicks the side of the hill with her might, and yells out, "Rakhasta! I'm not just any feline! The impudence..."

You say "Just the one..."

Aoifei says "Woah, Telione, calm down."

Telione says "I'm sorry, he just hit a nerve there."

Ivan grimaces "So now what do we do?"

You say "'Come and get us, pussies! Tattle rats! Blunts! You don't want a piece of this!'"

<*> OOCly, Ivan fights the urge to shout "I'm coming out of the booth!"

Telione says "We find another plan of attack."

Ivan pages: Rats are burrowing animals.. could I burrow into the tunnels, in R.O.U.S. form?

Aoifei says "What if we bribe them?"

<*> OOCly, Raul wonders what you give someone in order to bribe them into handing over a Staff of the Magi...

You paged Telione with 'ivan You could, but it would take time.'.

Aoifei says "Kobolds like shinies, right? They might let us in..."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "We've got someone with 18 charisma. Just a little pussy."

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "How much would you pay for a scroll of rock to mud?"

You paged Ivan with 'You could, but it would take time.'.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "That was bad."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Ew..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "..."

Telione takes out a flask of oil and a match, gestures towards the hill with the flask of oil.

Ivan says "Oh, this'll be interesting."

Ivan says "We could also try smoking the little bastards out."

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "How steep is the hill?"

Aoifei says "...And, of course, that's always an option."

<*> OOCly, Raul recalls this was EXACTLY the reaction the OTHER party had to this situation...

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "Not at all steep. Only about four feet high."

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "And how did THEY fare?"

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "If he is mentioning it, I doubt they succeeded."

<*> OOCly, Raul isn't going to say.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Well it's either that or go in there where we'll be prodded by little shorty guys with sticks."

Ivan pages: Could I sneak in, in small rat form?

<*> OOCly, Ivan snickers

Telione backs up out of spear's reach from the entrance, bends over and looks into the hole.

Ivan smiles

You paged Telione with 'It looks like a labyrinth of tiny tunnels where even a kobold would have to stoop.'.

You paged Ivan with 'You could make an honest effort...'.

Telione says "Busy little bastards, aren't you."

Ivan says "What're they doing?"

Telione says "It's a mass of tiny tunnels, even shorter than they are."

Ivan says "Can you see them?"

Aoifei says "Now, why would they want those..."

Telione says "No."

You say "'I told you to go away. Do you really want us to ass fuck you to death, little pussies?'"

Telione says "So nothing else could get in."

Aoifei says "Now, now; there's no call for vulgairity."

You say "'We've got spells! We can MAKE you like it.'"

<*> OOCly, Juliet says, "Anyone have Summon Monster that can get Water Elementals?"

Ivan says quietly "Keep 'em distracted"

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Not at this low a level..."

Ivan concentrates quietly, shrinking down into little rat form, and begins sneaking forward.

Telione says "Well you can never know..."

You paged Ivan with 'You find the kobold who was taunting you. He looks surprised to see you, but hefts his spear. Init.'.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, ""I was assfucked to death by Kobolds, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt""

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 12 Total: 12

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "22"

Telione says "Do you really like it down there, in that cramped little space, always following what that high and mighty mucky muck?"

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 14 Total: 14

Telione says "How do you get your food? A series of mushroom farms under the surface by rerouting a small subterainian stream down there into your latrine?"

You say "The only answer Telione gets is chanting coming from deep inside the hill."

You paged Ivan with 'Go ahead.'.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Spellcraft?"

Ivan pages: Wheres the chanting coming from?

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "DC 18."

Telione rolls 1d20 and gets: 5 Total: 5

You paged Ivan with 'From a source other than the kobold getting ready to kick your ass...'.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "10 :P I need my own dice..."

From afar, Ivan springs into Big Rat form and swiftly bites at the kobold (ac?)

You paged Ivan with '15'.

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 16 Total: 16

Telione gets up and stands well over 20 feet away from the entrance and asks Aoifei to do the same.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "24."

You paged Ivan with 'Damage?'.

Ivan rolls 1d8 and gets: 3 Total: 3

Ivan pages: 4

Ivan pages: It is 1d8, right?

You paged Ivan with 'He collapses as you crush his throat, gasping for air through a broken windpipe.'.

Aoifei backs up

Ivan pages: (Do I see the chanter now?)

You paged Ivan with 'Yep. He has stopped chanting.'.

From afar, Ivan charges, fangs bared

You paged Ivan with 'His eyes are filled with fear as he backs away. Init?'.

You publicly roll 1d20 and get: 3 Total: 3

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 20 Total: 20

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "30"

Al Ray pages: BTW, I got around to calculting Octavius's sheet and upping what I thought I might of upped. I will send you the sheet. What is your e-mail address again?

You paged Ivan with 'Um, you go first.'.

Ivan rolls 1d20 and gets: 17 Total: 17

Sorry, Alec is not connected.

No one to page.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "25 to hit"

Telione silently counts to thirty, then walks up to the hill away from the entrance and tests to see how finely packed the dirt is.

You paged Al Ray with 'z_wad@hotmail.com'.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Don't fuck with the wererat in a confined space.."

Al Ray pages: Er calculating his expiance on his sheet.

Ivan rolls 1d8 and gets: 3 Total: 3

Ivan pages: 4 damge

You paged Ivan with 'He dies, but there is no staff in the burrow.'.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Yea! You kick those little lizard's tails!"

Ivan pages: None? Anywhere?

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "I only wished we could be in there with you..."

<*> OOCly, Telione tears up.]

<*> OOCly, Raul says, "I would have made it a longer encounter, but I have to go to work soon..."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei nods

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "More than understandable."

From afar, Ivan checks the entire burrow, and if he comes up empty, waddles out.

You say "No, the Staff of the Magi is not in the kobold burrow, nor do the Deep Dwarves, Orcs, or Lich."

Ivan comes waddling out, looking disgruntled

Telione says "What's the matter?"

Ivan returns to his Man-Rat form "Nothing. Empty."

Aoifei says "No staff?"

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "I feel kinda sorry for the Kobolds."

Ivan shakes his head

Al Ray pages: Also the Friday group session 4 link is broke, so I guessed what you might of gave me, same with teh first session which the exp given wasn't on the log.

Telione says "What? Then where is it?"

Ivan says "Damned if I know."

You say "As it happens, it was buried under all the gold in Tiamat's lair... Why? Because it's a one-shot adventure!"

Raul grins evilly.

Ivan says "That was mean."

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "..."

Raul removes his dragon medallion.

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "Well, I am no longer a D&D virgin"

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "I hope you're happy"

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

<*> OOCly, Ivan says, "Hurrah for losing your virginity!"

Al Ray pages: Thanks, I will send it promptly.

You say "Sorry, I REALLY have to go to work, now. Hope everyone had a good time. See you later.""

<*> OOCly, Aoifei says, "bye"

<*> OOCly, Telione wants to come back once she's a level 20 arch-sorceress.

<*> OOCly, Telione says, "Yep, bye Raul!"