Paranoia - June 30, 2002

You paged Jimmy with 'From R&D, you are given an experimental multi-rifle with four settings - Stun, Kill, Armor Piercing, and Nuke.'.
Jimmy pages: What's the little red button for?"
You paged Jimmy with 'That's not a button, that's the warning LED, you doof.'.

You paged Yum-Y-PIL-6 with 'You get 50 doses of experimental Happy, 6 doses of BTox, 6 doses of ATox, 24 doses of Vaccine, 12 doses of Regen, and 6 doses of Tranq from R&D to test out. You also get an experimental dart gun with 24 hypodermic darts.'.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 pages: Experimental means dangerous, doesn't it?
You paged Yum-Y-PIL-6 with 'Of course not! Only a commie mutant traitor would believe the Computer, in its loving wisdom, would test dangerous devices and/or materials on its citizens! Are you a commie?'

<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "I'm giving each of you 40 skill points, in my benevolence. You may not raise any skill above 12 unless it is listed under your service group, and those can't be higher than 14."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Basic stats?" You paged Yum-Y-PIL-6 with 'Anyone finds out you have it, though, and you're dead, got it?'.
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Usually, it's a series of d20 rolls, but in my benevolence, I'm granting you 100 points to distribute among skills."
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "I am watching and the fact he said 'my benevolence' in his last two sentences makes me nervous."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "That's the name of the game, John."

You paged Jimmy with 'Your secret society is First Church of Jesus Christ Computer-Programmer. Your mutant power is Deep Probe.'.
Jimmy pages: Could I get some holy water?

'We have found the Tesla Cannon you were looking for, citizen, but it appears we have run out of Tesla Cannons.'.

<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "The armor is about as useful as Stormtrooper armor, isn't it?"
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Depends on the color I think"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Yep and yep."

You say "You are the sixth and last clone of your clone family, so it is reasonable that you are not careless with your life. Then the Computer calls you to a briefing room."
Pointier heads to the briefing room.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 goes to the briefing room.
Jimmy slunks off to the briefing room.
<*> OOCly, Mattson begins carving their tombstones.

Their Mission:
'In the distant DIA Sector, the people have forgotten the wonders of the benevolent Computer. They have fallen into deeply primative barbarism and a worship of Communist scum. Go to them and show them the marvels of the Computer, and they will surely beg for citizenship. Kill their commie leaders if they refuse to cooperate. The distance to the DIA Sector is great, however, and I know you are the last of you clone families. So, in my benevolence, I have decided to provide you with a nano-symbiote to restore you to life should you fall to the weapons of the commie mutant traitors.'

<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 ponders whether they should bother describing themselves, or just prepare for death.

"Two docbots hold you down while the third tatoos a large bullseye on each of your chests (the nano-symbiote). 'You will be escorted shortly to HAL-O, the newest form of transportation across great distances.'"
Pointier nods and the bot painfullt tatoos his chest, "Ah, my fovorite design. Angain thanks you freind computer. This gift makes me happy.
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "It only gets easier if you had 'Aim Here' above the tatoo."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "It's a symbiote. It will adapt to circumstances..."

You say "You are escorted to a Vulturcraft and sealed inside like dwarves in a barrel. It takes off."
Pointier looks at Jimmy, "Stand up stright troubleshooter.
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Are there windows?"
You say "Nope."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 sits, humming to herself.
You say "Thus, dwarves in a barrel..."

You say "The seats are color-coded by security clearance. They don't look like seats. They look more like metal bowl in unusual shapes, like giant Jell-O moulds."
Pointier sits in a blue chair.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 looks at it suspiciously, but takes her seat in the yellow section. <*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Er jello mould"
You say "'3...2...1...'"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 puts her hands over her eyes, and waits for it..
(Coincidentally, the server picked this moment to disconnect me...)
You say "The ship accelerates. You have less than a second before you hear your bones shatter. You all die and are carried to your destination in near-liquid form."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 gurgles
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "And soo much for your one continue"

<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "The bloody computer's an AMIGA..."
You say "When the symbiotes finally put you together again (everyone lower all your stats by 1), HAL-O is no longer moving."
<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "16 Hz of power running the bloody world."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Only your main stats, not your skills."
Pointier whinces in pain, "That was most interesting.
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 would now officially lose a fist fight with a gradeschooler. <*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 thinks he knows what happened to the other 5 clones now...

Pointier heads over to the Vulturecraft.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 goes to Bob and gets in
Jimmy goes to the Vulturecraft.
Pointier gets in.
You say "BOB, 'Welcome back, citizens. I trust your flight was invigorating. Ready for transport to the mission zone?'"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Yes, please."
Pointier says "Yes, BOB we are."
Jimmy says "It was liquidating..."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 resists saying "It got us wet".
Jimmy gets in, looking for some way to not die when it decends at mach 20.

One GM's Dream can be a player's nightmare:
You say "BOB's hatch closes again, and a map appears on a screen. 'The people of the DIA Sector are truly decadent. No firearms, no radar, not even steam engines. They shouldn't give you any trouble.'"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Riiiiiight."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Map at:"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 studies the map
Jimmy sits in his seat and hangs lose.
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Oh fuck."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "It looks like a little dog with udders and a hand growing out of it's ass."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "I see."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "And that hand's giving you the finger..."
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Wait a minute. This map looks familuar,"

<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Roll bootlicking again? Can I spend a will?"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "You are going too take all the polish off those boots."
Pointier points to the big black area in the southern portion of the land mass, "Set us here, then we can go from there.
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Tastes like licorice.."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "You can roll it."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 rolls 1d20 and gets: 1 Total: 1
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Critical success?"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Yah. Pointier? Your reaction?"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "ANd he sucks up soo well, he gives Pointer a BJ."
Pointier says "Wise thinking Troubleshooter."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Yumy is female, so that might be a possibility."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 beams
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Not really. Hormone suppressants, so Pointier can't get it up."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Awwww."
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Now I am really glad I am not playing."

Pointier says "Ok, BOB sets us down in the center of this black space."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Excellent decision, sir!"
Pointier points it pout on the map.
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Why do they always pick the black space?"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Its shiney?"
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Because it's below our clearance."
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Way below our clearnce,"

The joys of a hypochondriac dropship:
You say "You feel BOB moving. Then he hovers and stops. 'Maybe I should just drop you off here. My sensors detect the possibility of alien infectious elements in this atmosphere. I wouldn't want to pick up a virus that I could accidentally transmit to our friend, the Computer."
Pointier looks to where they are at.
Jimmy says "Alien biological virus?"
<*> OOCly, Mattson waits for the cartoonish falling sequence.
You say "Acording to the display screen, you are about seven miles above the landing zone."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "You're trying to tell us that the wonderful Computer needs to fear organic diseases?"
Pointier says "I doubt any of these commie viruses can hurt the Computer."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Are you calling our friend, the Computer, weak?"
You say "BOB, "Perhaps not, sir, but they might render me unable to take off once we've landed. HAL-O is not designed for landing."

Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "How would we get back up, if you won't land?"
You say "BOB, 'I suppose you could see if they have a transport down there...'"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "They're primitives, remember?"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Place your bets. How big of a crater will they make? Step right up."
Pointier says "How coudl they have a trasport if there are so primitive?"
You say "BOB, "Maybe you could...teach them to build one.""

You say "BOB, "I will see if HAL-O can work up a vaccine while you're on mission. Burning up in the atmosphere is a small price to pay. You still have the classified symbiotes.""

<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Sorry, I misread an earlier post. You are currently 8200m above the surface."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "That is NOT 600 feet Jeb."
<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "So we'll explode when we open the door."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "BOB would only get 200m CLOSER to the atmosphere."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "We'll burn up in the atmosphere."
Pointier says "BOB we are not 200 meter above the black spot."

Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Bob, I have vaccines if you're afraid of the local bacteria." <*> OOCly, Jimmy urge, to hijack game... rising... You say "BOB makes sniffing sounds, "Hurry. I think I might be picking up something."" Pointier says "Yum give him something." Yum-Y-PIL-6 pulls out the vaccines "Where do you want it, Bob?" You say "BOB, "I ache all over."" Jimmy says "Wow, pain sensors, they must have went all out on you."

Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "I'll give you a dose of medication.. it should make you feel better quite swiftly. Trust me. The Computer decided to make me a medic, and you do trust the Computer's wisdom, don't you?"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 gives Bob an injection. Somewhere.
You say "BOB sniffles. "Of course I trust the Computer. The Computer is my friend.""
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "There! That was a special dose of medicine from R&D, and the computer would never let R&D make less than completely effective medicine."
Pointier says "Yes, the computer wanted you to be safe from germs, so you are now."
You say "What's your Flying Craft skill, Yum?"
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 has 11 in Mecha.
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "But wouldn't this be spurious logic?"
You say "There is a shower of sparks where Yum injects the drug."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Ah.."

Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "How do you feel now?"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "I can't feel my legs."
You say "BOB (cheerfully), "I feel fine! Landing commencing." The ship goes into a nose dive. Everyone is slammed against the back of the cockpit."
Pointier goes splat.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 crawls to her seat and buckles in.
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 couldn't possibly have taken out anything important!
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Before you said that you couldn't have."
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Just life support."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Nothing important. Just the electronic gyrocompass..."
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Ouch."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "The what?"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "The ship no longer has any idea which angle its pointed, basically."

You say "BOB, "Descending at 12 degree angle into atmosphere. Estimated time of arrival, twenty minutes." The room is starting to get a bit warm."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Bob! Slow your descent!"
Pointier says "You are ocming in at too steep an angle"
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 has Mechanical.. can she try and fix it?
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 and Electronics
You say "BOB, "Everything is under control, citizens. I have good news. Acording to my recalculated estimates, we will be arriving a bit
early. Three minutes until arrival.""
Pointier says "Somebody, fix that sparking thing."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Yum, Yes. Roll it."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Can I spend wp?"

Pointier says "BOb slow down please."
Jimmy says "You are going to crash and we are going to die again!"

Yum-Y-PIL-6 tries to fix it
Yum-Y-PIL-6 rolls 1d20 and gets: 10 Total: 10
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 has 10 exactly!
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "I hope that's a good roll."
You say "Yum manages to reconnect the break in the line by holding the ends together, sending sparks everywhere and making her hair stand on end."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
You say "BOB levels off to a normal angle."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Ow.. Ow.. Ow.. Ow.. Ow..."
Jimmy says "Thank you Yum."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Stingy.. stingy.. ow.. ow.."
Pointier gets up and walks up to Yum, "Good job yum. Hold it to gether til we land.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Yes ow Sir ow stingy!"

Pointier says "You two take point, I'll take the rear."

You say "BOB's doors open into a hanger with no ceiling. The floor is a mess. You can't even see the tiles through the heavy layer of grey dust."
Jimmy gets out of the door besides Yum, turns to the side, she's not on, and throws up.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Please, Citizen Jimmy, the floor is having a bad enough day."

Pointier looks at the color of the vomit.
You say "Pointier, the vommit is within his security clearance, I suppose."

Jimmy follows Fearless Leader.
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Actully, the fealess leader follows you."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Which way Sir?"
<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "Then he's Chicken-Shit Leader."

You say "The big light is now far to your left, but still blazing hot and following you."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 glares it "Do you think it's spying on us, Sir?"
Pointier says "I know exactly what is going on here, it above your clearance."
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "THe eye of god stares you down"

This is why he's the boss:
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Which way Sir?"
Pointier points north, "That way.
You say "After three hours of walking, you still see no sign of wall or ceiling, and the light seems to be following you like a mobile Eye of the Computer."
Pointier says "Lets head to the left for about another 3 hours."
(Three hours later)
Pointier says "Now were are going to turn left and go anouther 3 hours."
(Three hours later)
Pointier says "Ok, troubleshooters, we are going to turn left and go another 3 hours."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Your leader is leading you around in circles..."
Jimmy is the living embodiment of "Marche de Slav".
(Three hours later)
You say "After twelve hours of marching, you are utterly exhausted, but you can dimly make out the outline of an aircraft of some sort. It looks remarkably like a Vulturecraft."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Look sir! A vulturecraft!"
Pointier says "I know, its BOB."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Really sir? I didn't realize you were marching us in circles!"
Jimmy says "Sir?"
Pointier says "We needed to scout a paraimeter. We did find any thing so we are going to have bob take us to a different location."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 nods "Yes sir! Should I hold the leads together again?"

<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "What type of landscape are we in?"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "A blasted desert covered in ash. You had to pick the one region that was nuked, didn't you. Why else would it be black on the map?"

You say "You turn left and get about an hour into the trip when the eye light disappears to your right."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "I wonder how long it'd take to change a bulb that big.."

Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "I'm sure it's one of the problems the Computer intends to remedy, as soon as we convert the locals."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "She says as she wanders around in the Saharra..."

You say "All of you are feeling a little light-headed, at the moment, and not in a good way."
Pointier heads into BoB.
Pointier says "That is strange."
Pointier says "Yum, wake up."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 wakes up, and smiles happily "Yes sir?"
Pointier says "I am feeling not normal. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Yes sir! Sit down please, and I'll give you an examination!"
Pointier says "Be careful not to touch anythign above your clearnce."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Yes sir! I wouldn't dare sir!"

Jimmy says "1989... fall of the Berlin Wall... Communism all but dead... Soviet Bloc broken... Democracy... Boris Yeltsin... drunkard."
Pointier says "Check yourself and Jimmy for it then see if you ca.......What did Jimmy just say?"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Something about commies, sir! Should I shoot him in the head until he dies?"

Yum-Y-PIL-6 puts the gun next to Jimmy's temple and pulls the trigger.
Jimmy rolls over and acidentally hits a trigger on his gun.
You say "Jimmy's brains boil out his ear. And I need to check something..."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Eeww.. Jimmy made a mess on the floor! Commie bastard!"
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Oh my god! I killed Jimmy! I'm such a bastard!"
You say "His fingers twitch and pull the trigger. A yellow laser cuts a nice hole in the ceiling of the ship. You now have a window."
Pointier says "Clean it out Yum. Its closer to yoru clearance then mine."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Yes sir! Then I'll see about sealing that hole!"

<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Roll to repair the ship?"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Juryrigging."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 has a mecha base of 3.. Spends wp.
Yum-Y-PIL-6 rolls 1d20 and gets: 18 Total: 18
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "That's bad."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Very bad."
You say "You now have THREE windows - one where the laser shot (though it's now a bit smaller), and two where Yum ripped chunks out of the hull to graft (badly) over the original hole."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 looks at it, shamefaced "I'm sorry Sir, but this damn commie illness, obviously sent by commies to destroy us, caused me to make a slight miscalculation.."
You say "BOB, "Doctor, I think the medicine is wearing off. I'm getting chills."

You say "A humanoid creature glowing with a black aura is standing there. "What is your business here? You're not Ras.""
Yum-Y-PIL-6 looks to the Pointy Haired One to begin explaining.
Pointier says "We are sightseeing."

You say "Caligo, "Do you think I have not noticed your spacecraft in the skies above, pleb worms?""
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Sir, we have no intention of taking your resources! We're here to help people!"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 beams.
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "OMG! We're.. We're.. Jehovah's Witnesses!"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Can I kill them?"

You say "Caligo, "I don't care if you were sent by the Gnomes. You will serve me or I will be forced to destroy you.""
Pointier says "That will be unessiary."
You say "Caligo seems confused for a moment. "Do you mean it will be unnecessary for you to serve me or unnecessary for me to kill you? I've got to learn to stop asking two questions at once...""
Pointier says "Both."
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Goes for a fast talk roll."
Pointier rolls 1d20 and gets: 19 Total: 19
You say "Caligo, "You're trying to confuse me. Well, it won't work. I command legions of drakes. I have brought this world to its knees. I am not easily confused!""
<*> OOCly, Pointier facepalms.

Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Of course you aren't sir! We'd never try to confuse someone such as yourself!"
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Can I roll bootlicking?"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Go for it."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 rolls 1d20 and gets: 17 Total: 17
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 fails miserably.
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "Geeze, we suck."
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Can Caligo frenzy on htem?"
Pointier pages: Ok, how do I activate Mutant power of Chram?

Yum-Y-PIL-6 pulls out Jimmy's rifle, sets it on Nuke and fires at Caligo saying "I'm sorry sir, but it appears we have irreconcible differences. I wish you farewell and hope you have a good day."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Yum, roll a Projectle Weapons check."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 rolls 1d20 and gets: 2 Total: 2
You say "The tactical nuke slams into Caligo's chest, and he flies backward fifty meters with a surprised look on his face."
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "What's the blast radius?"
Yum-Y-PIL-6 waves after him "Goodbye! I'm sorry you had to leave so abruptly. Do come back and visit!"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Tac nuke? You guys are atoms."
<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "On a Tact Nuke? About 2 miles."
You say "Unfortunately, the nuke's blast radius is 300 meters, but you seem to have destroyed the commie mutants' ring leader."

<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Mark off a point, or too far gone? ;)"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "We still have time. Mark off a point. Yum won't have to worry about repairing BOB anymore."
<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Lemme guess, we're all stuck in the middle of the desert, naked?"
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "ROFL."
<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "Probably buried in molten glass."
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Um, pretty much."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 stands up, brushing off some dust "Well, that went well, didn't it sir?"

You say "As the vulturecraft circles closer, you realize it has a head, and a neck, and a tail, and four legs..."
Pointier says "Hmmm, seesm to be very wierd."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 says "Sir? Do you think we should take cover?"
Pointier says "Nope, there is no cover."
Yum-Y-PIL-6 salutes again "Yes sir."

<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Enie menie minie moe. WHo gets eaten by the big bad flying thingy first?"
You say "It lands, though it doesn't appear to have rockets, and it's sensor array (head) looks at you hungrily."
Pointier says "Greetings."
Jimmy says "Hello."
<*> OOCly, Pointier says, "We have no weapons right?"
<*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Right."
<*> OOCly, Mattson waves bye bye to Pointer and Jimmy.

Pointier says "We know longer need to take hormone surpessant. We can live as man is ment to live."
Jimmy says "Naked?"

You say "The dragon takes you to the nearby happy valley of Flecterra, where you live your lives peacefully in a benign monarchy in harmony with the natural rainforests."
<*> OOCly, Mattson says, "Priming Zeus Cannon. Target: Flecterra. Fire in 5."
You say "Yummy's and Pointier's grandchildren, however, are killed when the Death Star arrives to destroy those responsible for the annihilation of the sun around which Corusant orbits, but that is hardly their problem, right? ;)"

<*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 had a lot of fun "What'd you guys think of Yummy? I had a blast playing her.."
<*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "She was nice and cheery." <*> OOCly, Mattson thinks she is Raul illigimate graddaughter. <*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 says, "Yummy. Raul's granddaughter. In the NWO. Must suggest to Eus." <*> OOCly, Mattson says, "I was just thinking of doing something like that myself." <*> OOCly, Dayzdark says, "Don't you dare, Tyson." <*> OOCly, Jimmy says, "Naw, Progenitors, get more acess to mind altering drugs." <*> OOCly, Yum-Y-PIL-6 dares!

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