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undefined Descriptions

AOA- Air Operations Area (AOA) is the area of the airport dedicated to the movement, maintenance, servicing, loading, and unloading of aircraft and related support equipment. The AOA is a restricted area; only individuals and vehicles/ground equipment with proper identification are allowed.

FAA- Federal Aviation Administration

LAWA-Los Angeles World Airports, incorporating Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Ontario International Airport (ONT), Van Nuys Airport (VNY), and Palmdale Regional Airport (PMD)

LAX- Los Angeles International Airport

Movement Area- Runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport that aircraft use for taxiing, takeoff and landing that are under the jurisdiction of the Air Traffic Control Tower. This does not include loading ramps or aircraft parking areas.

Public Areas- Areas normally accessible to the general public, including the public portions of all ticketing, satellite and terminal buildings, parking lots and terminal roadways.

Ramp Areas-Areas used by airport tenants for servicing and loading aircraft, located on the AOA directly adjacent to the terminal area. These areas are part of the Security Identification Display Area (SIDA).

Restricted Areas Parts of the airport designated by the airport operator and posted for security reasons. These areas include, but are not limited to, passenger and cargo loading ramps, hangar areas, runways, taxiways, and vehicle service roads. These areas are part of the SIDA.

Runway A rectangular area on a land airport designed for aircraft landings and takeoffs.

SAFE Program The Security and Airfield Enforcement Program, also known as the SAFE Program, is an awareness and enforcement security program. It is designed to educate and train companies and their employees about the safety and security rules of LAX. Through a violation point system, the SAFE program is structured to hold security and safety violators accountable for safety and security-related offenses. All agencies, companies, or individuals with access to any restricted area of LAX are accountable to the standards of SAFE.

Service Road- Service roads are roadways, access lanes, and passageways, or other designated ways set aside for the movement of vehicles on the AOA. If driving off the roadways (terminal areas, aircraft positions, equipment parking areas, etc.), the marked roadway shall be used as long as possible. Access to ramp/apron areas shall be accomplished by using designated access lanes with all due care. The shortest route must be taken to/from the roadway.

SIDA- Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) includes any area identified in the airport security program as requiring each person to continuously display airport-approved identification, unless the person is under airport-approved escort.

Sterile Areas Portions of public areas that lie between the pre-board passenger screening checkpoint and the aircraft boarding gates.

Taxiways The parts of the airfield designated for the surface maneuvering of aircraft to and from the runways and aircraft parking areas.

TSA Transportation Security Administration

Vehicle/Ground Equipment All conveyances, except aircraft, used on the ground to transport persons, cargo, fuel or equipment.

Security Badge Icons

Air Traffic Control (ATC) - Purple background with white airplane - Badge holders with an ATC Icon have contact with the Air Traffic Control Tower and access to Special Security Areas which include any areas designated under the Remote Area Access Control Icon (see below). The ATC / Special Security Areas are designated in purple and orange on the LAX Security Access Map. The organization must receive approval from the Security Badge Office and Airfield Operations. This icon is displayed only on a blue badge and must be in conjunction with a Restricted Area Driver Icon.

Aircraft Surface Movement (ASM) - Black background with red airplane - Badge holders with an ASM Icon perform aircraft towing and surface maneuvering. Applicants requesting this icon must have received ASM training from their organization. Applicants must also attend and pass the training course provided by LAX Airfield Operations. The Aircraft Surface Movement Icon is displayed only on a blue badge and must be in conjunction with a Restricted Area Driver Icon.

Remote Area Access Control Icon (RAACI) - Blue background with orange diamond -This icon addresses the needs of individuals, who have an operational necessity for access to remote areas of the airfield but do not have direct contact with the Air Traffic Control Tower. The areas designated as remote areas are indicated by the color orange on the LAX Security Access Map. All applicants must complete a training session and receive approval by LAX Airfield Operations prior to applying for the icon. This icon is displayed only on a blue badge.

Restricted Area Driver (RAD) - Green background with white car - Badge holders with the Restricted Area Driver Icon are permitted to drive airport-approved vehicles/ground equipment on leaseholds, ramps, and service roads. Applicants requesting this icon must receive a minimum of eight (8) hours behind-the-wheel practical driver training and pass a qualifying written examination. The applicant must have a valid U.S. driver’s license. The Restricted Area Driver Icon does NOT permit the badge holder to drive on or across runways. This icon is displayed only on a blue badge.

Rules and Regulations

1. Under all conditions, aircraft shall have the right-of-way over all vehicles/ground equipment.

2. All vehicles/ground equipment shall yield the right-of-way to emergency equipment responding to an emergency, e.g., crash rescue equipment, fire trucks, security vehicles, or vehicles displaying red emergency lights.

3. No person shall willfully refuse to comply with any lawful order, direction, or signal of an Airport Police Officer, Airfield Operations representative, or other emergency responder.

4. All vehicles/ground equipment shall remain on service or access roads where designated. Entry onto the ramp areas from service roads will be at designated access points only.

5. When driving on ramps or taxiways in the terminal areas, drive to the outside of the white wing tip clearance line.

6. Except for vehicles/ground equipment in the act of servicing aircraft, no vehicle/ground equipment may drive under any portion of an aircraft.

7. The speed limit on north-south service roads is 30 mph; east-west service roads is 20 mph; and terminal ramp areas and taxi lanes is 10 mph.

8. At no time shall speeds exceed that which is reasonable and prudent, consistent with existing traffic conditions - taking into consideration insufficient lighting at night and weather conditions.

9.Under emergency conditions and by specific orders of Airport Police Officers or Airfield Operations representatives, traffic may be detoured, halted, or diverted in any manner necessary to maintain safe and efficient operations.

10. Under no circumstances shall a vehicle/ground equipment cross an active runway unless permission from the Air Traffic Control Tower is granted.

11 At no time will a vehicle/ground equipment be driven between an aircraft and a loading gate if passengers are using the walkways between such gate and aircraft.

12. For night operations, all headlights, taillights and running/clearance lights on all vehicles/ground equipment shall be in proper working order. The driver shall be responsible for the proper operation of such lights. Any rear shining spotlights, other than taillights, shall be in the “off” position when driving on ramps or service roads.

13. All persons, while in restricted areas, shall comply with all lawful orders or directives of Airport Police, Fire Department, Airfield Operations, or other emergency personnel.

14. A valid California license plate is not required on vehicles/ground equipment operating solely within the restricted area of the airport.

15. A construction contractor vehicle authorized to operate in restricted areas may be required to display an orange and white checkered flag.

16. While driving on the AOA, the driver must possess a valid driver's license issued within the United States. In addition, unless under escort, the driver must also possess an active LAX Security Badge bearing a Restricted Area Driver Icon.

17. The total length of a combination of tractor and towed vehicles (except fire vehicles), inclusive of load and bumpers shall not exceed eighty-five (85) feet. There shall be no more than five (5) LD-3 size dollies, containers, carts, pods, igloos, etc. or four (4) LD-7, or larger, size trailer units in any combination of vehicles. In no event shall the number towed exceed that which is under control, and tracking properly and safely.

18. The Los Angeles Fire Department Inspector assigned to the airport detail or any representative of Airfield Operations and/or Airport Police is authorized to check on fire hazards or flammable conditions on airport property.

19. Any accident involving an aircraft and vehicle/ground equipment must be reported to Airfield Operations and Airport Police immediately.

20. Any mail sack, package, object or other property found on ramp/apron areas or roadways shall be removed and turned in to the Airport Police Duty Officers at LAX Security Access Post #2.

21. All gates or access points must be closed by the user immediately after passage. Any unsecured access point observed open should immediately be reported to Airport Police.

22. Airport vehicular traffic signs conform to the standards set by the California Vehicle Code, i.e., Stop Yield, etc. In addition, special signs may be posted to alert drivers to special conditions.

23. Pedestrian traffic is forbidden on all ramps and service roads of this airport unless in an assigned work area.

24. The driver of any vehicle/ground equipment involved in an accident on the ramps or service roads, where injury or death occurs, must file an accident report with the Los Angeles Fire Department and Airport Police.

25. Plastic covers shall not be used in any exterior portion of the airport except to cover cargo pallets or containers, and only where such covered pallets or containers are completely netted. No plastic covers (sheets) shall be disposed of in any exterior waste containers within airport boundaries.

26. Permission to transport or store Class B explosives on airport property requires prior written permission from the Air Traffic Control Tower, Los Angeles Fire Department, Fire Station 80, and Airfield Operations.

27. Vehicles/ground equipment stopped on active aircraft positions must be attended at all times.

28. Disabled vehicles/ground equipment shall not be left unattended or abandoned on any active airport area. Unattended vehicles/ground equipment creates a safety hazard or interferes with airport operations.

29. No employee may work or park a vehicle/ground equipment adjacent to or on any active taxiway or runway without prior clearance from Airfield Operations.

30. Permission must be obtained from Airfield Operations at (310) 646-4265 prior to escorting tenant contractors, vendors, or suppliers through the LAX Security Access Posts. Escorting vehicles must be authorized and registered by LAWA to perform escorts.

31. No vehicle/ground equipment shall be parked on the AOA unless secured against uncontrolled rolling by an engaged handbrake or an equally effective measure. Ignitions shall be switched off unless required for auxiliary functions.

32. Employees are responsible for the safe loading and operation of the vehicle/ground equipment they are driving and may be personally cited for failure to comply with safety rules and regulations.

33. Any aircraft crash, fire or emergency situation must be immediately reported to Airport Police and Airfield Operations.

34. At an aircraft incident/accident, the Los Angeles Fire Department assumes command of fire fighting and rescue operations.

35. It is unlawful to load a vehicle, cart or truck so as to create a hazard by allowing articles to fall off as it travels on service roads or ramp areas.

36. Any condition which creates a hazard or obstruction to traffic in the Air Operations Area shall immediately be reported to Airfield Operations and removed as soon as possible by the responsible party.

37. No employee, other than Airfield Operations representatives, shall direct or authorize the parking
of aircraft or vehicles on an active taxiway area.

38. Airport Police and Airfield Operations are authorized to inspect and declare unfit for use on airport property any vehicle or piece of equipment that does not comply with the safety and efficiency of airport operations.

39. All construction sites adjacent to active aircraft movement areas shall be delineated and lighted with red obstruction lights of sufficient visibility and intensity for prevailing conditions.

40. No person shall operate an oxyacetylene torch, electric arc or similar flame or spark-producing device on any active portion of the airport, unless prior notification is given to Airfield Operations, a fireguard is posted in close proximity to the work area, and a permit is on file with the Los Angeles Fire Department.

41. Washing vehicles/ground equipment is permitted in designated areas only. Drainage from such washing shall not be caused to drain directly into the airport drainage system unless a filter or clarifier is operating to treat the water entering into the drainage system.

42. Repairing, dismantling or servicing vehicles/ground equipment anywhere other than an approved area is prohibited.

43. Vehicles/ground equipment not designed to handle passengers shall not be utilized by any person other than the driver. Passengers may not ride in any trailer, cart, or igloo. A seat must be provided for each passenger.

44. At no time will a vehicle/ground equipment be driven within 100 feet of the exhaust of a jet when the engines are running. The distance for B-747, DC-10 and L-1011 is 200 feet.

45. Safe distances must be maintained when operating vehicles/ground equipment in front or behind aircraft with running jet engines.

46. All vehicles/ground equipment operating within the restricted areas of the airport shall be readily identifiable as to ownership. The operator shall wear a valid LAX Security Badge (clearly visible) bearing a Restricted Area Driver Icon and be in possession of a current driver license.

47. Class A explosives are not permitted on the airport.

48. All persons entering the restricted area located inside the perimeter security fence, including the runways, taxiways, infield areas, service roads, fuel storage facilities, aircraft parking and service aprons, including terminal and cargo, shall wear a valid LAX Security Badge. Visitors must be escorted in all areas.

49. All vehicle/ground equipment operators on the AOA must obtain and display an active LAX Security Badge, which bears an LAX Restricted Area Driver Icon. All vehicles other than those belonging to LAX, Los Angeles Fire Department, and law enforcement agencies must display either yearly restricted area permit decals attached to the lower left-hand corner of the vehicle’s windshield (driver’s side), or a monthly airfield access permit attached to the rearview mirror. Authorized ground equipment items such as tugs or belt loaders are exempt from this requirement.

50. Vehicles driving on AOA shall display a logo or company name on both sides of the vehicle in a location opposite the front seat. For vehicles having front doors, the identification should be located on the front door panels. Magnetic or temporary identification panels are not permitted. The name of the company or tenant shall be spelled out in letters no less than three inches in height. Company logos or symbols shall be at least 18 inches in diameter when not accompanied by approved lettering. To enhance visibility, all markings shall be on a background of sharply contrasting color. Placards are not permitted.

51. The aircraft and the fueling unit must be properly grounded and bonded prior to fueling operations to prevent the possibility of fire or explosion due to discharge of static electricity.

52. The aircraft and the fueling operators shall not leave the fueling unit unattended while it is connected to the aircraft.

53. The fueling control valve (“dead man”) shall be held open only by hand during the entire fueling operation. Holding the valve open by any other means is prohibited.

54. Immediately notify Airfield Operations of any fuel spill, regardless of the amount. Also, notify the Los Angeles Fire Department if the spill is over ten (10) gallons of Jet A or any amount of aviation gasoline.

55. Do not allow any motorized ground equipment under the wing tip of any aircraft during fueling operations. The fuel tanks are vented through the wing tips, which may produce a hazardous condition. Stop fueling operations immediately should anyone position a vehicle/ground equipment under a wing tip during fueling operations.

56. All vehicles, with the exception of emergency equipment responding to an emergency, e.g., rescue vehicles, Airport Police, Airfield Operations, or vehicles displaying red emergency lights, MUST yield the right-of-way at all times to the LAWA operated buses that shuttle passengers to and from the remote gates also known as the LAX People Mover Buses.

57. Reversing and driving backwards is permitted only if existing conditions make it impossible to drive forward. When reversing or driving backwards, it is the driver's responsibility to ensure that the path is free of obstacles. If the vision of the driver of a motor vehicle/ground equipment is obstructed to the rear for any reason, a guide person shall assist the driver.