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My Buddies From BU

Here is my Roomie Bill and I looking studly before a Halloween party.

This was Greg Klein's Birthday...yes...we are in togas...yes...that is frosting on Greg's nipple.

Hey William...wha...wha...what are you supposed to be?

Yes...One of Bill's teachers acctually asked him that. Yikes.

Here are Billy and Mike this past Halloween. ARRRG!

After a long night of Intramural bowling nothing says fun like sitting around with friends and...well...just sitting around I guess.
YEAH 212!

Greg Klein making an appearance...

Fun with HAIR GEL!!!!

Then there is Ricky "Dude" Love.

~from left: Bill, me, Joe, and Tommy on the infamous "Cum Pie" night. Never before that had I ever woken up the next morning still drunk and stay that way until about noon when the hangover began.