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77 Shadow Street

Old Silas Kinsley is the self-appointed resident-historian of the Pendleton, an imposing building raised by a titan of industry in the Gilded Age of the nineteenth century, now converted into a number of highly desirable condominiums. He has discovered that there is a cycle of strangeness and tragedy in the Pendleton's past: The original owner became a recluse – and was rumored to be more than half mad – after his wife and two children were kidnapped and never found. The second owner suffered a worse tragedy in 1935, when he was murdered by the butler/house manager, along with his family, and all the live-in staff. Certainly, the eeriness of the place is pervasive: it is full of creepy shadows and unidentifiable sounds. CCTV images show places that can’t possibly exist within the confines of the building. And someone – or something – is glimpsed in the courtyard gardens at night. On the second floor of the Pendleton lives Bailey Hawk, a would-be novelist and, meanwhile, a money manager with twenty good clients. He is smitten with near-neighbour Twyla Trahern, a successful songwriter who works mostly from home, single mother to 8-year-old Winny, a shy dreamer of a boy. They will need each other in the trial to come. The Pendleton is heading into another of its disturbing cycles. Bad things are about to happen: terror of epic proportion is about to descend. To survive, the people of the Pendleton must make of their home a fortress. But the enemy is relentless, and unearthly… but as real as death. But this is not a ghost story. It is something scarier by far.