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Brother Odd Review-01/01/07

I have been reading Dean Koontz since I was nine or ten. I did a diorama of a scene from Lightning for a book report in the sixth grade. So I am the biggest fan of Mr. Koontz (even though, sadly, I haven't read all his books). When I got into fantasy and scifi, I kind of left Koontz behind. In the last few years, starting with The Face, I have started enjoying Koontz again. He is a different writer than I remember when I was nine or ten but in a good way. Brother Odd picks up where Forever Odd (which I thought was 'eh') left off. Odd is now a vistor at a monastery. He is content for the few months he has been there. Now, he is starting to see bodachs, harbingers of death and destruction. This has Odd worried, he knows what it means when they start to appear (read 'Odd Thomas'). So he tries to warn the two people that know his true self. This is when it gets good. Odd comes face-to-face with something unhuman and indescribable by me. Bringing all the monks together to fight the threat, the book winds down to a sort of anticlimatic ending. It seems to forced to me (and is my only complaint). The 'ending' ending sees Odd doing something quite dramatic and also a certain someone leaves Odd, to be replaced by someone even more interesting. All and all I can't wait for the fourth book that Koontz has said will come but probably not until 2008. Rating: ****