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Odd Hours Review

Taking up a month or so from the end of Brother Odd (2006), our loveable frycook has come to be living in the town of Magic Beach. His phsychic magnetism has brought him there. He is laso plagued by dreams of an apocalyptic scenario. When the book begins, Odd has found work cooking for an old movie star Hutch Hutchinson, who believes his life was like his movies. Odd goes for a walk and we meet Annamaria who is pregnant or seems to be. It is then the book turns into a swift save the world tour-de-force. After and altercation with three men Odd is on the run. He is eventually arrested and in the jail finds out the extent of the plan to destroy America. Flying by the seat of his pants Odd sets out to foil the plan. I won't say if he succeeds or not but the ending is a little cryptic on where the series is going. Wherever the Odd's journey takes him next I will be there. Guaranteed. Rating: *****

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