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Oddkins (illustrations by Phil Parks)

To the world, the Oddkins are just stuffed animals. But all of these soft, cuddly, sweet-faced toys share a wonderful, magical secret -- they're alive! Created by Mr. Isaac Badkins, the old toymaker, the Oddkins are made only for very special children, those who must face something difficult in life and need a true friend. The Oddkins are given to these children to inspire them, help them, and love them as long as the children need them. Only now the toys themselves are the ones in need of help. Mr. Bodkins has passed away before he can give his life-giving powers to Colleen Shannon, the toymaker he had chosen to replace him. The Oddkins have only one choice: to go on a journey in search of Colleen Shannon's toy shop. The night is stormy and black; the way is filled with peril. And the Oddkins have to face a danger that threatens not only their magic -- but the magic in us all. Published in 1988.