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One Door Away From Heaven

ONE DOOR AWAY FROM HEAVEN introduces a young woman, Micky Bellsong, searching for meaning in her troubled life. When she meets the radiant Leilani Klonk, a child whose physical disabilities cannot quench her spirit, Micky unexpectedly finds purpose she so desperately needs. Leilani's stepfather, Preston Maddoc, is a fanatical UFO believer who claims that aliens will heal the girl by her approaching tenth birthday or take her away with them. Micky's foreboding escalates with her discovery that Leilani had an older brother, also disabled who is now "gone to the stars" after Maddoc took him in search of the aliens to "heal" him. When the family vanishes, Micky sets off on a daunting quest to find them, joined by a detective drawn by her passion and courage. Pitted against an adversary as fearsome as he is cunning. Hundreds of miles away, a motherless boy and a homeless dog begin an even more astonishing journey. Ahead for them all lie incredible peril, startling discoveries, and paths that will draw them through terrible darkness to unexpected light. Copyright 2001 by Dean Koontz. Published by Bantam Books.

U.K. Cover Art