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Other Books

This section is dedicated to out of print novels or novellas (that does not include the original versions of reissued novels).

Click On A Title For More Information:

Star Quest
Fall of the Dream Machine
Fear That Man
Beast Child
The Dark Symphony
Hell's Gate
Soft Come the Dragons
The Crimson Witch
The Demon Child (writing as Deanna Dwyer)
Legacy of Terror (writing as Deanna Dwyer)
A Darkness in My Soul
Dance with the Devil (writing as Deanna Dwyer)
Children of the Storm (writing as Deanna Dwyer)
The Dark of Summer (writing as Deanna Dwyer)
The Flesh in the Furnace
Blood Risk (writing as Brian Coffey)
Aphrodisiac Girl
Hanging On
A Werewolf Among Us
The Haunted Earth

Surrounded (writing as Brian Coffey)
After the Last Race
Strike Deep (writing as Anthony North)
The Wall of Masks (writing as Brian Coffey
Nightmare Journey
Dragonfly (writing as K. R. Dwyer)
The Long Sleep (writing as John Hill)
Time Thieves
New American (writing as Richard Paige)