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The Good Guy-Review-May 31, 2007

The Good Guy, like The Husband and Velocity has a normal man at it's center. Throw in an impossible situation and you have the book. But of course there is much more. The book starts off with a simple beginning, our main character is approached at his favorite watering hole by a strange man. This man offers Tim Carrier money in exchange for a woman being killed. It is too late by the time Tim figures out it is a case of mistaken identity. Some time later, another man enters the bar and sits next to Tim, this man being the hired killer. Tim gives him the money that the man gave him and keeps the picture of the target. The man leaves and Tim notices when he leaves that he is a cop. So begins this rolliking ride of suspense. With some near misses and some interesting twists, Koontz like always, keeps the plot moving quickly. The end in my opinion was a little forced but all in all it was a good book and goes up there with his recent offerings. Rating: ****1/2

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